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Trees Atlanta and the Washington High   With a state-of-the-art ambulatory   ciplines, he added, the presidents “are
        School Cluster are reaping the benefits.  health facility and MSM medical offices,  able to bring imaginative thinking and
          Primary beneficiaries of AUCC col-  a student wellness center, upscale res-  creative solutions that would be unlike-
        laboration, however, are the 9,000 stu- idential apartments, YMCA and retail   ly to happen on their own.”
        dents and 3,000 staffers of the four  space, Dr. Montgomery Rice said the
        institutions.                     Lee Street facility serves neighborhood   THE DATA SCIENCE INITIATIVE
          Dr. George T. French, president of  needs, gives the AUCC and MSM im- Greene is enthusiastic about their new
        Clark Atlanta University and chairman   portant community visibility and ex- AUCC Data Science Initiative, a five-
        of the AUCC Council of Presidents,  emplifies “partnering to bring about  year, $8.2 million partnership with
        credits his predecessor in the office,  needed and desired change.”  UnitedHealth Group to bring technical
        Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, MSM                                   classes to AUC students in data science
        president and dean, with unifying the   SUPPORT FOR THE CONSORTIUM   and analysis. The advanced analytics
        four AUCC institutions and especially  In addition to working together and  research techniques will focus on dis-
        with bringing to fruition the new stu-  benefiting as a group from the Lee   parities in minority communities.
        dent health center at the Lee Street  Street project, the four presidents have   “The type of skill sets that will be
        Development.                      collaborated on “powerful ideas and   needed in today’s world but also the fu-
         “She  has  brought  all  of  the  AUC   solutions” that have recently attracted   ture, many of them are related to having
        schools together to embrace the idea   millions of dollars in grants and in-  the ability to extract value from data,
        of a single student health center,” he   vestments, according to Todd Greene,  data science and data analytics,” Greene
                                                           AUCC’s  exec-   said. Employer demand for these skills
                                                           utive  director.  across business and industry is great,
        “It is the benefit of having four                   The  result  is  a   he added, but currently fewer than 2
                                                           breathtaking ar- percent of data scientists are African
         seasoned leaders who come                         ray  of  projects  American.
                                                                             He said AUC faculty, who are includ-
        together, who are all committed                    across  all  cam-  ing data science in their teaching, “rec-
                                                                           ognize the potential to make a dramatic
        to advancing African Americans                     la  Foundation,  difference in the number of African
                                                             The Coca-Co-
         in higher education.”                             which  supports  Americans who possess these skill sets.”
                                                           the AUC schools   Plans ultimately call for the initiative to
        —  Todd Greene, AUCC executive director            individually with   become a data science institute, with
                                                           scholarships,  undergraduate degrees and certificate
                                                           gave the consor-  programs in data science and data an-
                                                           tium a $4 million  alytics.
        said. “That just expands our ability to   collaboration grant in 2017.  Dr. French, president of Clark Atlanta
        serve our student population in ways   “The purpose of the multiyear grant  University and chair of the AUCC Coun-
        that none of us could do with our indi- was to help the schools to collaborate   cil of Presidents, sees great benefit to
        vidual health facilities.” Among the ben- on joint projects in order to achieve   the collaboration of AUCC institutions
        efits will be the ability to offer stronger  economies of scale and improve oper-  in the Data Science Initiative.
        health services after hours, justifying   ating efficiencies,” said Fran Killeen,   “Only 1 percent of data scientists are
        costs by sharing among 9,000 students,  director of global community affairs   of color,” Dr. French said. “So we have
        he said.                          for the Coca-Cola Company.       an obligation to increase that percent-
                                            Among the projects is a new shared   age of African Americans since data sci-
        CROWN JEWEL OF THE WEST SIDE      procurement system “to streamline   ence informs our decisions all day with
        Already, the new $52 million Lee Street  purchasing processes to improve effi-  data analysis and predictive modeling.”
        Development, a multiuse facility an- ciency and harness collective purchas-  Morehouse College President David A.
        choring the entrance to what is some-  ing power.” Another was environmen- Thomas said more than 50 faculty from
        times called College Town, is seen as a   tally focused, updating campus facilities  the four schools have been involved in
        significant boon to continued econom- to cut operating costs and improving   the Data Science Initiative. Students of
        ic development in the West End. The   water and electrical systems.  the 21st century will need skills in data
        development is dedicated not only to   “It is the benefit of having four sea-  gathering and analysis “to be viable as
        serving the health and well-being of   soned leaders who come together, who  workers and intellectuals and entrepre-
        students and staff but also off-campus  are all committed to advancing African  neurs,” he added.
        neighborhoods in the West End and  Americans in higher education,” Greene   Thomas said he looks forward to
        Atlanta at large.                 said. With their range of academic dis- working with Dr. Talitha M. Washing-

        22   Primarily Caring  Fall 2020

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