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Beatrice Wilkinson Welters Endowed Scholarship

                                     2022-23 Recipient

        Marshaun Hall                        excellence and diversity,                    with my education.  One
                                                                                          of the things that’s nev-
                                             all while emphasizing
        Madison, WI                          a long history of dedi-                      er really explained to
        4th-year M.D. student                cation to serving those                      first-generation college
                                             communities that need it                     students is the weight of

            What inspired you to pursue a    most.  This school doesn’t                   debt that comes with pur-
        medical education? I first gained    just produce doctors, but                    suing education. Any help
        interest in becoming a doctor when   cultivates leaders in med-                   that allows me to remove
        I was a child. I remember sitting in   icine.   These are things                  some of that weight and
        a clinic and watching all the people   that I feel every day as I                 stress is absolutely appre-
        who came to the doctor for help      walk these halls.  I’m reminded of   ciated.
        with a level of certainty that the   those who came before me, but also
        doctor could heal them. I’ve always   that I’m also acutely aware that I’m   What do you hope to accom-
        known that I wanted to be able to    part of an institution that genuinely  plish in your career after gradua-
        help people, and becoming a physi-   wants to see me succeed.  I honestly  tion/residency? I hope to pursue
        cian would allow me to do that and   wouldn’t choose to be anywhere       a career in anesthesiology. I have
        serve the people who wouldn’t oth-   else.                                matched in the anesthesiology
        erwise be able to receive that help.                                      program at University of Colorado
                                                 Have you volunteered with any    School of Medicine.

            Why did you choose to at-        organizations during your medical/
        tend MSM? I chose MSM because        healthcare school journey? I volun-     If you could say or do one thing
        during my interview, I immediately   teer with MSM’s H.E.A.L. Clinic,     to thank your scholarship donors
        felt that the culture fostered genu-  which is a free weekly community    what would it be? I would like to
        ine relationships and peer-to-peer   clinic for uninsured or underin-     express my utmost gratitude to
        support. The environment here is     sured patients. I also enjoy volun-  Mr.  Anthony and Mrs.  Beatrice
        one that feels like being around     teering for First Look, a program    Welters for this scholarship.  You
        family. I feel challenged to do my   geared towards exposing high         are not just helping to put someone
        best because I know the expecta-     school and undergraduate students    through school, but you are invest-
        tions are high, but I also feel sup-  to career options in health profes-  ing in a dream and a gift.  Know
        ported and I’m confident in the fact   sions.                             that your donation has an immedi-
        that I can reach out to someone                                           ate effect on me and my ability to
        whenever I need help. I also really      How has receiving a scholar-     pay for school, but will also be am-
        wanted to continue community         ship helped you achieve your goals?   plified by each opportunity I have
        outreach like I had in years prior,   This scholarship is an affirmation   to help an individual as I continual-
        and the fact that MSM includes that   that someone believes enough in     ly strive to serve our community.
        in our curriculum was a big bonus.   me and my dream to help alleviate
        Lastly, the significance of being in   some of the stress of progressing
        Atlanta and working with a patient
        population (especially at Grady)
        that’s representative of the patient                    You are not just helping to put
        population I’d like to work with in        “        someone through school, but
        the future is not lost on me.
            Morehouse School of Medicine                    you are investing in a dream
        has a unique commitment to both                     and a gift.
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