Page 17 - Presentations - Campaign
P. 17

What we saw…

          • A small study of 62 patients from Senegal living with AIDS  (1999) was given

              only herbal therapy for 6 months in a research center in Fatick, Senegal.

          • After 6 months viral loads went down and T cell counts went up.

          • In the Summer of 2018 a group from Morehouse School of Medicine and

              Meharry Medical College re-visited 13 of the original patients.

          • Repeat viral loads and CD4 T cell counts were done.

          • Ten of the 13 patients had undetectable viral loads the other 3 patients had

              very low levels (3000; after more than 15 years with NO therapy)

          • How can short-term treatment cause a long-term suppression of


                                      700                                                            400000
                                      600                                                            300000                               V iral Loa d
                                      M ean  C D 4 C o u n t  400                                  e a n  V ira l L o a d  200000

                                      100                                                          M  100000
                                        0                                                                 0
                                         B a s e lin e  1 8 0 -M o n th s  F o llo w -u p                   0     1     2    3 M on ths  5     6     180
                                            6 -M o n th s  F o llo w -u p
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