Page 13 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 13

Vocabulary Extra

            At home


                                   1      2    3





             1 a  Complete the sentences with a correct form of       b  Match the words with 1–12.

               the verbs from the box and names of rooms.
                                                                      cupboard   8      shower         fridge
                repair    talk    ride    brush    cook    listen    sit  toilet        flowers        computer
                                                                      pillow        cooker         bowl
               1  I’m     cooking      in the  kitchen   . I’m        lamp          curtains        shelf
                  making a salad.
               2  Jay is                 on the sofa in the        2  Find the odd one out.
               3  Maria and Amy are                   to music       1  shower      pillow        toilet     towel
                  upstairs. They’re in their               .         2  flowers      carpet        trees      grass
               4  Dad is                  the car. He’s outside,     3  bedroom     living room   kitchen    furniture
                  near the                  .                        4  computer    TV            chair      lamp
               5  Grandma is                   her hair in the       5  blanket     cooker        lamp       bed
                                    .                                6  door        gate          bookshelf   window
               6  Jack is                 his new bike outside in    7  apartment    garage       house      flat
                  the                  .
               7  Mum is                   to her friend on the
                  phone in the                  .
                                                                                         Are you coming to the party?  11
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18