Page 11 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 11

Reading  Part 4

            Read the article about three teenagers who have unusual homes.
            Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?
            If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
               Exam advice
                The questions are in the same order as the text.

              MY HOME


                We live in a big old house in the countryside.
                My parents love it here, but for me it’s more
                boring than our old city home because there
                aren’t any houses or shops near us. But that
                also means I can play my music really loudly
                at the weekends! And it’s really beautiful and
                warm here in summer, but it snows a lot in                           Andrew
                winter, unfortunately.
                                                                                     We moved from a nice city
                Sophie                                                               house to this little river boat
                                                                                     because my parents are
                My family moved up to the mountains years                            looking for a new house to
                ago, so I don’t remember living anywhere                             buy. My school friends think
                else. We can see the whole city from up here,                        we spend all our time going up
                but it usually looks grey and dirty, so I’m                          and down the river, but usually
                glad we don’t live there. We know everyone                           we stay in one place because
                who lives near us now, and there are lots of                         we’ve got friends living on
                people my age, so I spend time with them                             boats near us. I’m always with
                after school.                                                        them at weekends.

               0  Paula’s parents like their family home in the countryside more than she does.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say
               1  Paula has found there’s something good about living far from other people.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say

               2  Paula always has good weather in the area where she lives.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say
               3  Sophie’s family moved up into the mountains when they sold their home in the city.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say
               4  Sophie meets friends near her home when her classes have finished.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say
               5  Andrew lived in a big house before he moved to a river boat with his family.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say

               6  Andrew’s parents often travel along the river in their boat.
                  A  Right              B  Wrong               C  Doesn’t say

                                                                                         Are you coming to the party?  9
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