Page 7 - Complete Key for Schools. Workbook
P. 7
Grammar Vocabulary
Present simple Family members
1 Complete the blog with the correct form of the Put the letters in the right order to make words
verb in the brackets. about family members.
1 steris sister
2 bahnsud
Jack 3 cleun
My name is Jack and I 4 nicsou
(1) live 5 ogadrhentmr
(live) in New York with my 6 grudateh
parents and older brother. 7 fewi
I (2) 8 rohbret
(get up) at 7 every day because 9 nso
I (3) 10 natu
(be) still at school. But I
(4) (not Reading Part 3a
live) far from my school, so
I can walk there easily. My Exam advice
father’s name (5) (be) Sam, Don’t just look for the same words and phrases in the
and he (6) (teach) at a college. question as in the options – A, B and C. Remember
I usually (7) (have) my lunch that these are conversations.
at school, but my dad (8)
(have) his lunch at a café near his college. He
(9) (not teach) in the afternoon Complete the six conversations.
because his students all (10) Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
(fi nish) at lunch time. We (11) 0 How old is your sister?
(drive) home together, and then in the evening dad A Her birthday’s in March.
(12) (watch) TV and B Sixteen next week.
I (13) (listen) to my favourite C She’s not old.
music – on my headphones so that it
(14) (not be) too loud for the 1 I’m going to France with my family next week.
other people in the house! A How long will you be there?
B Where do you live?
C What is it like?
2 Jack’s English teacher is asking him some 2 I don’t like getting up at 7 o’clock every day!
questions. Complete the questions and answers. A That’s too early.
Use the correct form of be or do. B It’s very soon.
1 Do you get up early every day? C What time is it?
Yes, I do . 3 I usually play volleyball on Saturday.
2 Is your brother at school today? A I think so.
No, he isn’t . B I do that, too.
3 your parents like listening to music? C I don’t mind.
No, .
4 you hungry? 4 How shall we get there – on the bus?
No, . A You check it.
5 your grandmother live near you? B It’s very long.
Yes, . C My dad can drive us.
6 it cold outside today? 5 Sorry, I can’t meet you tonight.
No, . A Thanks very much.
7 your mother and father at home today? B You’re welcome.
No, . C That’s a pity.
8 your father a teacher?
Yes, .
What’s your name? 5