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Gram m ar
                                                                                                                 I     pages 104-105     j

          G ram m ar in  Use

          o      Listen and sing along.  Where  is  C h arlie?  ©  2.34  &  J

                 I’m  looking  for  my  cat  Charlie.                       Is  he  over  there  in  the  fountain,

                 He  ran  aw ay  from  me.                                  Across  from  the  big  statue?

                 W here  is  my  cat  Charlie?                              Yes,  he  is!  Poor  Charlie!

                 Come  and  look  with  me.                                 I’m  here  to  rescue  you!

                 Is  he  under  the  trash  can,
                 Between  the  bench  and  the  tree?

                 No,  he  isn’t.  He  isn’t  there.

                 Oh,  where  can  Charlie  be?

          ©        L e a rn   G ram m ar                   Prepositions of Place

                     Where’s the fountain? It’s across from the statue.

                     Is  there a trash can behind the tree? Yes, there is.

                 Where is it? Look at the picture and practice with a partner.

                   Is  there a                                                                                        No, there isn ’t.

                    bicycle in                                                                                            Th ere’s  a
                  fro n t of the                                                                                      bicycle  next to

                     red  bin?                                                                                         the green  bin.

                  J              I

          O   Look for three things. Ask your partner where they are.

                                              Grommar: Prepositions of Place with Wh- and Yes / No Questions  Unit 12  121
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