Page 127 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 127

P ro ject:  M ake  a   N a tu ra l  R e s o u rc e   C o lla g e

          Q   Make a natural resource collage.

                •  Why is this natural resource


                                                                                        frees  ore  an  impor
                 •  Draw or find pictures.
                                                                                        natural  r e s o u r c e . ^
                 •  Write about three things in

                    the collage.

                                                                                        [A/e  us?  trees  to  make  paper,
          Q   Put your collage on the wall. Tell                                       chairs,  <W  Some          ho  (/res.

                 the class about your collage.                                         [\Je  get  fru it  frorr)  frees         j
                                                                                      m d   onUm/s  make  homes  ^

                                           This  is  my tree                           (n  frees.      ftef
                                            collage. Trees

                                          are an  im portant
                                         natural  resource.

                                          We  make  paper,
                                        chairs, and  houses

                                              from  trees.

          O   Walk around the room. Look at
                                                                                        I learned that
                 the collages. Say one thing about                                      sunlight helps

                 each collage.                                                        the  plants  grow.

                                                                                                                    W hat  did  you
                                                                         Watch the video.  | 3                    learn  about  why
                                                                                                                   we  should  take
                                *  7
                                                                                                                 care  of the  Earth?
                                                                 o      Think more about

                      BIG QUESTION  @                                    the Big Question.

              Why should we

                                                                 O   Complete the
                 take care of                                            Big Question

                   the Earth?                                            Chart.

                                                                           Project: Natural Resource Collage  •  Big Question 6  125
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