Page 23 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 23

Gram m ar
                                                                                                                       pages 014-015
          G ram m ar in  Use

          o      Listen and sing along.  C a ts and Birds  © i . n                                     ^

                 Meow!  Squaw k!  Meow!  Squawk!                             Meow!  Squaw k!  Meow!  Squawk!

                 My  cat  and  bird  alw ays  fight.                         I  usually  have  to  shout.

                They  never  get  along  together.                           I  sometimes  say  they  must  be  friends

                And  fighting  isn’t  right.                                 Or  I  won’t  let  them  out!

                 Meow!  Squaw k!  Meow!  Squawk!

                 I  hardly  ever  sleep  at  night.

                W hy  can’t  my  cat  and  bird  be  friends

                And  treat  each  other  right?

          0                                                Adverbs of Frequency

                     Lily always escapes.                                                    alw ays  y y y y

                     Lily is usually very nervous.                                            usually  y y y

                     Leo sometimes tries to catch Lily.                                      sometimes  >/</

                     Leo  hardly ever tries to  catch Lily now.                               hardly ever  y

                     Leo and  Lily never fight now.                                           never X

                 Practice with your partner.

                    Me                                       Name ...

                    I always ...                             He / She always ...

                    I usually ...                            He / She usually ...

                    I sometimes ...                          He / She sometimes ...

                    I hardly e v e r...                      He / She  hardly ever ...

                    I never...                               He / She never ...

          O   Now tell the class
                                                                    I always eat ice                   He sometimes watches
                 about your partner.                            cream  in the summer.                      TV in the evening.

                                                                                     Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency  Unit 2                21
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