Page 27 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 27

P ro ject:  M ake  A n im al  P ic t u r e   C a r d s

          o Make animal picture cards.

                 •  Draw or find a picture of one animal for each card.

                 •  Write the name of the animal below the picture.

                 •  Write three facts about the animal group on the back of the card.

                                                                                           mmq/  Group

                                                                                      Mammals  have f “ r  ot

                                                                                     Covering  -fheir  b o d ie s ,

                                                                                     Most  mammals  have  two

                                                                                     o r fo ur  legs.

                                                                                     ftAammal  babies  d rin k
                            r  abb i t                                               ft)ilk  from   their  m others.

          O   Put your Animal Picture Cards on the wall.                                         This  is a  rabbit.
                                                                                               Rabbits  have fu r all
                 Tell the class about an animal.
                                                                                                over their bodies.

          O   Play a game with your partners. Place your

                 Picture Cards picture-side down on a desk.

                 Partners read the sentences on the backs of

                 the picture cards and guess the animals.

                                                                                                                    W hat  did  you
                                                                 ©   Watch the video.  a                              learn  about

                                                                                                                     how  animals

                                                                                                                     are  different?
                                                                 ©   Think more about

                      BIG QUESTION  0                                    the Big Question.

               How a re  anim als

                 d ifferent from                                 ©   Complete the
                                                                         Big Question
                  one another?

                                                                                Project: Animal Picture Cards  •  Big Q uestion!
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