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          Q   Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner.
                                                                                                                         her     our

                 Use the words in the box to help. ©  2-ie
                                                                                                                      S o rry about

                    It ’s  my turn.                               No,  it isn ’t. It ’s  Felix’s turn.
                                                                                                                       My mistake.

                                            Oh, you’re  right.
                                                                                                                    That’s all  right.
                                                 I ’m  sorry.

                                                                                                                       Don’t w orry
                                                                                                                         about it.

          Word  Study

                                    Phrasal Verbs

                     Sometimes two words go together to make one verb that has

                     a special meaning.

                     Clean up: Jen ny cleaned  up the kitchen for her mother.

                 Write the correct word.

                 1  LeoandNancyput                        a_way_          the pencils and erasers,

                 2  The rabbit dug                                            all the carrots.

                 3  My sister fell  ___________________                   and hurt her arm.

                 4  The cat ran                                          from the fox.

          W r it e   Tell your partner about three rules at your house. Does he or she have

                        the same rules? Now write about them in your Workbook.

                                                                               Speaking: Apologizing • Phrasal Verbs  Unit 9              4 5

                           BIG QUESTION  0                                                        I  think  we  need  rules
                                  How do people                                                   to  help  us  get  along.
                    Q             get along with                                                 I  think  fun  places,  like

                                  each other?                                                     zoos,  need  rules,  too.
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