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P. 99

B efo re You  Read
         Think  How are you a good friend? How can you be
        ° ° ^ w         nice to people?

                                    Theme                                                                                      YOU
                     The theme of a story is the most important thing the
                                                                                                                       OF POEMS
                     writer wants you to understand. The writer is often

                     showing something important.                                                                      These texts are

                                                                                                                       poems. Poems use
                     Matthew and  Dylan are different.  Matthew likes
                                                                                                                       words to create a

                     math, art, and quiet places, but Dylan doesn’t                                                    rhythm, or pattern,

                     like them. Matthew can sing and dance but Dylan                                                   of beats. The words

                     can’t. They like each other and e-mail each other                                                 create pictures in
                                                                                                                       our minds.
                     every day.

                                                                                                                       Barbara Shook Hazen
                     Theme: People who are very different can be friends.
                                                                                                                       is the author of over
                                                                                                                       70 books that children
                                                                                                                       all around the world
                 Read the story. Circle the correct theme.                                                             like to read! She enjoys

                                                                                                                       traveling and writing
                                                                                                                       about animals.
                     Mouse,  Rabbit,  and  Opossum  are

                     hungry.  They  w ant dinner but their

                     food  is  boring  because  they  eat the

                     same  food  every  day.  Mouse  eats

                     fruit,  Opossum  eats  vegetables,  and

                     Rabbit eats  carrots.  They  have  an

                     idea.  They  take  their food  to  Mouse's

                     house.  They  now  have three  different

                     foods  for dinner.  They're  happy!

                 1  It's good to share things.

                 2  We should eat the same food every day.

          O   Look at the pictures on pages R8-RR.

                 What animal is rude?

                                                                     Reading: Theme  Unit 10             9 7
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104