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P. 157
r accuse fekjuizi *
To accuse someone of something is to blame them for doing it.
-* She accused her brother of breaking her computer.
r adjust [9d3ASt] V.
To adjust something means to change it so it is better.
-» He adjusted the old guitar to make it sound better.
r amuse Mu:z] V
To amuse someone means to do something that is funny or entertaining.
-* The singer was very good. She amused the crowd.
r coral Ekd:ral] n.
Coral is the hard, colorful material formed by the shells of animals.
-» The diver admired the beautiful coral under the water.
r cotton [kdtnl n.
Cotton is a cloth made from the fibers of the cotton plant.
-*■ like to wear clothes made from cotton in the summer.
r crash [kraej] v.
To crash means to hit and break something.
-*■There was a loud noise when the car crashed into the tree.
r deck [dew n.
A deck is a wooden floor built outside of a house or the floor of a ship.
A ship will store many supplies below its deck.
r' engage [engeid3l v.
To engage in something means to do it.
-»Dad was engaged in sawing a piece of wood in half.
r firm [farm] adj.
When something is firm, it is solid but not too hard.
-* He sleeps better on a firm bed.
r fuel [fyu:al] n.
Fuel is something that creates heat or energy.
-»Heat is the fuel that comes from fire.