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P. 159

Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.

                 cotton / fuel
                 The                  . for the car is gas.
                 My favorite shirt is made out of.

              2.  loss / insure
                 The                  . of his job made Steve worry about money.
                 She wanted to        _________ that her car was safe, so she locked the door.
              3.  coral / reef
                 The boy found a piece of colorful                   in the ocean.
                 That group of rocks coming out of the ocean is a ______________

              4.  surfed / amuse
                  Funny stories always________________me.
                  I________________quite a bit when I was in Hawaii last summer.
              5.  task / shut
                  I was given the___________     _ of editing his entire manuscript.
                  Don’t forget to____________    . the door on your way out.

              Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.

                                               WORD BANK

                       accuse          grand         strict       ensure          shut

                 There are l_________________ rules about what people may wear at fancy
              parties. Instead of normal things, people must 2__________________that they

              wear 3_________________ clothing. If a man wears the wrong clothes, people will
                4_________________ him of ruining the evening. They will make him leave and

               5 _________________ the door behind him.
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