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r apology  [apalad3i]  n.
                             An apology is something someone says to show that they are sorry.
                             — After arguing with her teacher, the girl wrote the teacher an apology.

                         r   bold  [bould]  adj.
                             If someone is bold, they are not afraid of doing something.

                             -*■The bold man climbed the high mountain.
                         r   capture  [kseptjer]  v
                             To capture someone or something is to catch them.
                             -»James tried to capture the bubbles in his hands.

                         r   cardinal  [kardanl]  adj.
                             If a rule or quality is cardinal, then it is the most important one.

                             -*■Raising your hand in the classroom before you speak is a cardinal rule.
                         r   duke  m.k] n.

                             A duke is a man of high social rank but below a king or queen.
                             -* The duke ruled over the land.

                         r   expose  [ikspouz]  v
                             To expose is to make known something that is hidden.

                             —■He took off his shirt exposing his costume.

                         r   guilty  [gfiti]  adj.
                             If people feel guilty, they feel bad for what they did.
                             -* I felt guilty for taking my sister’s cookies.

                         r   hire  [haier]  v
                             To hire someone is to pay them money to work for you.
                             -* We hired a man to paint our house.

                          r  innocent  [inasnt]  adj.
                             If someone is innocent, they are not guilty of a crime.
                                The judge said that the woman was innocent of the crime.

                          r   ja il  [d3eil]  n.
                             Jail is a place where criminals go to be punished.

                             -*■The thief was caught and sent to jail for ten years.
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