Page 45 - Learning Chess Workbook Step 5
P. 45

Rook  ending

                 Rook endings occur quite often.  It is therefore important to be able to recognize winning and drawn
                 positions.  In each of the  following  positions White is a pawn up.  In some cases this is sufficient to win
                 the game,  but not in others.

                 The black king is in front of   A similar situation,  but much   This position differs from the
                 the pawn.  This is the  best    less favourable for Black,       previous one in one crucial
                 spot for a  defending  king.    whose pieces are restricted to   respect:  the kings and pawn
                 All the black rook  needs  to   the back rank.  Since the rook   have been moved one file to
                 do is switch back and forth     is tied, the defensive method    the right.  This one file means
                 on the 6th rank  until the pawn   as illustrated in the previous   the  difference  between a win
                 reaches e6.  Then the rook      example is not available.        and a draw.  After 1 .   Rh7+
                 must be played to the  I st rank   White has an easy win; after   Kg8 2. Rg7+ Kh8 the board
                 to give checks  'from behind':   1 .   Rg7+ Kf8 2. Rh7 Kg8 3.    turns out to be too small, and
                 1 .   ... Ra6 2. e5 Rb6 3. Ra7   f7+ KfS 4. Rh8+ he nets the     thus White is unable to win.
                 Re6 4. e6 ReI  5. Kf6 Rf1+.     black rook with an X-ray         There is not enough room for
                 Black continues to give check   check.                           the white rook to the right of
                 or else wins the pawn.  Draw.                                    the king.

                 The defending king is  cut      The distance between king        Here the distance between
                 off.  This costs  Black  half a   and enemy rook is an impor­    the white king and the black
                 point.  White wins with 1 .     tant factor in rook endings.     rook is sufficiently large for
                 Re +   Kd7 2. Re4! (a move      The more distant the check,     a draw.  If Black keeps giving
                 to remember! )   2 • .•.  Rhl  3.   the more effective it is.  In   check, he can obtain a draw:
                 Kf7 Rf1+ 4. Kg6 Rg +   5.       this position the distance is    1 .   ... Rh7+ 2. Ke6 Rh6+ 3.
                 Kf6 Rf1+ 6. Kg5 Rg +   7.       too small.  After 1 .   ... Rg7+ 2.   Ke5 (3.  KfS  Rd6)  3 • .•.  Rh5+
                 Rg4. This winning method is     Ke8 Rg8+ 3. Kf7 Rh8 (3  ...      4. Ke4 Rh4+ 5. Kd3 Rh8
                 called building a bridge.       Rd8 4. Ke7)  4. Rhl Rd8 5.      and Black wins the pawn.  It
                 White cannot make any pro­      Ke7. Although 4 •  ••.  Rxhl  is   is important that in this type
                 gress without 2.  Re4.  2.  Kf7 is   better,  Black will still draw   of positions the defending
                 met by 2  ...  Rt2+ 3.  Kg6  Rg2+   the short straw after 5. d8Q.   king is on the 7th rank, and
                 4.  Kf6 Rt2+ S.  KeS  Rg2 and                                   not on the 8th rank.
                 the king is f o rced to retreat.
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