Page 106 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 106
S4 O 19.2 Listen.Which animals are the people Write six sentences using words
talking about?Write the number. and phrases from below.Work
in small groups. Read your
sentences to your group. Are any
of your sentences the same?
My bestfriend ¿anees Very badly.
hy sister Works Jna r¿.
_ _
parrots hummingbirds
my sister
my best friend can run
my brother can paint can ski
walks work(s) eat(s)
"W cook(s) sing(s) dance(s)
read(s) draw(s) people
ants tortoises
9? golf / football / chess
English / French /
Chinese / Arabic
cheetahs dogs _2_ well quickly
hard slowly very
* j o 19.3 Choose a verb and an adverbfor badly easily
* each animal. Listen again to check. O beautifully clearly
sec, hear and smell move speak
run communicate shine
7 Work in groups. Act an action from the
Adverbs box with an adverb from the box.Can
clearly funnily slowly brightly your friends guessthe adverb?
say 'hello' write your name clap your hands
1 Dogs fee. Uear and SmeU very Well
__ close your book ask for a dictionary
2 Ants
stand up and sit down again
3 Parrots
4 Tortoises Adverbs of manner
quickly slowly quietly funnily nicely
5 Cheetahs
angrily happily clearly
6 Hummingbirds
Are you Writing your name s\ow\y?J
104 Adverbs