Page 107 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 107
Adverbs of frequency
We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens.
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Itneverrains here. Italways rainshere.
We often use these adverbs of frequency with We put the adverb after be and auxiliary verbs
the present simple. like don't,can and have.
We rarelygo to the cinema. You're alwayshungry!
Jane sometimes wears glasses. Hecan usuallydo it.
Shedoesn't oftensit there.
We use ever with the present simple and present
perfect to ask about habits and experiences. We also use adverbial expressions to talk about
Doyou ever go running? frequency.These expressions go at the end of the
Haveyou ever readthis book? sentence.
present simple + every day, on Wednesdays
We can also use often and never with the present
Shephones meevery day.
perfect when we talk about experiences.
I'veoften thoughtabout it. They meet onFridays.
They've never been here. present perfect + once, twice, a few times
He's visitedus twice.
We put the adverb before main verbs.
I'vebeen to Paris afew times.
Roberthardly ever walks to school.
She always wakes upearly.
* 8 Put the words in brackets in the correct 9 O 19.4 Read and ask your partner the
place inthese sentences. questions. Listen and repeat.Say the chant ©
uSuaWy with a partner.
ÿ a big breakfast, (usually)
1 You phone me. (hardly ever)
2 He's been to hospital,(a few times) Do you always brush your teeth?
3 The train's late, (often) Do you? Do you?
4 Have you climbed a tree? (ever) Yes, I always brush my teeth. Ofcourse I do!
5 My grandma's very kind, (always) Do you ever bite your nails? Do you? Do you?
6 Do you have baddreams? (ever) Well, I sometimes bite my nails.
I sometimes do that.
7 How do you drink milk? (often)
8 There's anybody in that café, (rarely) Are you ever late for school? Are you? Are you?
No,I'mnever late for school. Ofcourse I'm not.
Do you always make your bed?
Do you? Do you?
Yes, I always make my bed...
Well, I usually make my bed...
Well, I often make my bed ...
but sometimes I forget!
Unit 19 105