Page 112 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 112
Superlative adjectives * 7 Comparative or superlative? Circle the correct
We use superlative adjectives when we compare ÿ What's stronger /ihestrongest)bone inthe
a person, animal, place or thing with all of the human body?
group they are in. 1 Is a lion bigger / biggest than a tiger?
Thatgiraffe is the tallest animalin the zoo.
2 What's hotter / the hottest place in the world?
Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world.
3 Who's younger / the youngest person inthis
Adjectives change to superlative adjectives like class?
4 Excuse me,where's nearer / the nearest post
Short adjectives
5 This computer is getting slower / the slowest.
Adjective Superlative adjective
6 You're getting taller / the tallest!
young the youngest 7 Your hair is longer / the longest than mine.
rich the richest
8 He's more / the most intelligent person in my
sad the saddest*
* Doublethe final consonant inadjectives that
end vowel + consonant:
*8 O 20.3 Write the superlativeform of these
sad-» the saddest, wet -» the wettest O
adjectives. Listen and repeat.
ÿ nicest -> tine nicest
Adjectives ending with -y
1 long-» _
Adjective Superlative adjective _
2 good-»
funny the funniest 3 sad-» _
happy the happiest
4 tasty-» -
5 difficult-» _
Long adjectives (two or more syllables)
6 noisy-» -
Adjective Superlative adjective
7 safe-» _
comfortable the most comfortable 8 bad-» -
delicious the most delicious
9 dry-» _
10 colourful
Irregular adjectives
11 funny -».
Adjective Superlative adjective _
12 thin —»
good the best
bad the worst *9 Complete the sentences.
ÿ Mu grandma is the oldest person in mu familu.
We always use the before superlative adjectives.
1 He's _ (young) musician in the band.
Ronny's the funniest person in the class.
2 That's _ (comfortable) chair inthe
After superlative adjectives we usually use in or
on before the name of a place.
She's. (tall) player in the team.
It'sthe biggest lakeinEurope.
It'sthe most dangerous place on Earth. 4 The Amazon is _ (long) river in South
5 February is (short) monthof the
6 It's (thin) book on the shelf.
7 The double bass is (large)
instrument in the orchestra.
110 Comparative and superlative adjectives