Page 115 - 198_1- Complete Key for Schools. Student's Book Without Answers_2014 -148p_Neat
P. 115

Exercise                                              We use the past continuous:
                                                                  •  to say what was happening at a time in the past:
            Complete the conversation with the past simple form
            of the verbs in brackets.                                The children were sleeping at 10 o’clock last night.
                                                                  •  to talk about two things happening at the same time:
            A: It (1)        (be) my birthday yesterday!             Dad was cleaning the kitchen while mum was cooking
            B:  (2)         (you / go) anywhere nice?                dinner.
            A: Yes, I did. My best friend and I (3)       (go)
               to a club.                                         We can use the past simple and the past continuous
            B:  (4)         (it / be) fun?                        together to say that one activity happened in the middle
            A: Yes! We (5)         (dance) until late, and I      of another.
               (6)          (meet) some very nice people.         •  We use the past continuous with when or while
            B:  What time (7)         (you / get) home?              to connect it with the past simple:
            A: I (8)         (not / get) home until midnight!        When I got home, my parents were sleeping. /
                                                                     I got home while my parents were sleeping.
            Imperatives                                              We were watching TV when the lights went out. /
                                                                     The lights went out while we were watching TV.
            We use imperatives for
            •  instructions: Turn left at the lights.             We make the past continuous with was / were + -ing
            •  advice: Don’t worry about the test.                form of the verb: We were playing football.
            •  orders: Stop talking.                                                affirmative  negative
            •  requests: Please don’t shout.
            •  invitations: Come to my party.                      I / He / She / It  was       was not /
            •  To tell somebody to do something we use the         We / You / They  were        were not /   reading.
               infinitive without to: Come here.                                                 weren’t
            •  To tell somebody not to do something we use Don’t
               and the infinitive without to: Don’t be late.
                                                                          questions                  short answers
            Exercise                                               Was    I / he / she / it          Yes, he was. /
            Write imperatives for these situations. Use the verbs                         talking?   No, she wasn’t.
            in brackets.                                           Were   you / we / they            Yes, you were. /
            1  This pizza is terrible! (eat)                                                         No, they weren’t.
               Don’t eat it.
            2  I’m really hungry. (cook)                          Exercise
                                                                  Circle the correct option in italics in each of these
            3  This jacket is old. (buy)                          sentences.
                                                                  1  I was doing / did my homework when my friend was
            4  This video game is boring. (play)                     calling / called.
                                                                  2  While Marie was walking / walked to school it was
            5  The new student looks unhappy. (look after)           starting / started to rain.
                                                                  3  At 8.05 am, dad was reading / read the newspaper
            6  I don’t like this music. (turn off)                   and my brother was eating / ate breakfast.

                                                                  4  Jake was watching / watched a film when his mobile
                                                                     phone was ringing / rang.
            Unit 8                                                5  My pencil was breaking / broke while I was writing /
            Past continuous                                          wrote a note.

            We use the past simple to describe:                   can / can’t, could / couldn’t
            •  actions or events that happened in the past and are
               now finished:                                       To talk about ability we use can, can’t, could and
               I walked to school this morning.                   couldn’t.
            •  actions or events that happened one after another:    •  We use can / can’t to talk about ability in the present:
               I did my homework, then I went to bed.                I can play the guitar. You can’t run very fast.
                                                                  •  We use could / couldn’t to talk about ability in the past:
                                                                     She could walk when she was one year old.
                                                                     I tried, but I couldn’t finish the meal.

                                                                                                 Grammar reference  113
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