Page 10 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 10

VII  Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.

                   1.  The  slice  of  pork  was  ............................,  so  she  refused  to  eat  it.   order
                       Shewas afraid of having a stomachache.
                   2.  In  spite  of  his  ............................,  he  ignored  all  the  delicious   hungry
                       foodserved on the table.
                   3.  Eating a lot of fast food can do ............................ to your health.   harmful
                   4.  Jenny is feeling sick. She thinks that she is having a problem with her   digest
                       ............................ .
                   5.  Eating  ............................  without  being  treated  possibly  cause  a   order
                       number of long-term problems for your health.
                VIII   Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

                   1.  If you do not have breakfast in the morning, you should notbe able to    ...................
                                A                                          B         C
                       study or work efficiently.
                   2.  I don’t like eating something overcooked, so I will ask the chef to cook   ...................
                            A                      B            C
                       another piece of beef for me.
                   3.  My mother needed some cloves of garlic, so I went to the market and     ...................
                                               A           B    C
                       buy it for her.

                   4.  While the chicken is cooking, wash two cucumbers, chop them in         ...................
                        A                    B        C
                       a half and slice them.
                   5.  If you can cooksome food for yourself, havea bowl of cereal and a      ...................
                              A           B                    C       D
                       bottle of milk.

               C. READING

                IX  Read the passage. Fill in the blank with one word, based on the beginning letter(s).

                                                     Why Detox?

                     Your body can accumulate toxins for many years without complaining, but eventually
                 when your organs and vital systems can no (1) l.................... cope, the body starts to rebel.
                 And it is at this point of personal overload that you will (2)ex.................... diseases. This
                 is  when  you  cannot  ignore  the  warning  signs  any  longer.  What  starts  out  as  frequent
                 coughs and colds or regular headaches, if paid  no (3) at...................., can progress to a
                 louder,  more  serious  complaint  –  and  perhaps  now  you  have  (4)  de....................  high
                 blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis or diabetes.

                     There are so many ways our bodies can become overloaded; toxins can accumulate
                 through what we eat and drink, the air we breathe, what we put on our skin; and even by
                 the way we think! Although the human body is designed to eliminate(5)t...................., it

               8| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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