Page 9 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 9

G. ...........................   H. ...........................   I. ...........................
               V   Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

                   1.  What would you like to buy, sir? – A  ................. of tuna, please.
                       A. tin               B.can                       D.carton
                   2.  Yesterday I saw her carrying a ................. of apples out of the supermarket.
                       A. packet            B.bag                       D.load

                   3.  If you don’t want to go out tonight, you ................. stay at home to watch TV.
                       A. might             B.should              C.may                D.can

                   4.  You ................. at least call or send him a message to ask for his permission if you
                       want touse his car.
                       A. should            B.may                 C.might              D.can
                   5.  Most people know that yogurt is very good for ................. .

                       A. kidney            B.digestion           C.psychology        D.blood circulation
                   6.  Excessive intake of fat will increase the risk of suffering from ................. .
                       A. sleeplessness     B. eating disorders   C.obesity            D.cancer

                   7.  Fast food is not a healthy food because it contains a lot of artificial flavors and ...........
                       A. preserve          B. preservation       C. preservative      D. preservatives
                   8.  Artificial flavors are ................. designed to mimic the taste of natural ingredients.

                       A. addition          B. additions          C. additive          D. additives
                   9.  ................. products include food items such as yogurt, cheese, and butter.

                       A. Natural           B. Artificial         C. Diary             D. Non-diary
                   10. Flavor  .................  are  added  to  our  favorite  processed  foods,  restaurant  meals  and
                       snacksfor their better tastes.
                       A. providers         B. enhancers          C. boosters          D. supporters

                VI   Choose can, must, may, might or should to fill in the blank.
                   1.  If  you  don’t  want  to  miss  the  last  bus  of  the  day,  you  ....................  go  to  the  bus
                   2.  If you don’t feel well enough for the walk, you ................ stay at home and take a rest.

                   3.  If you think this T-shirt is overpriced, you .................... not buy it.
                   4.  My parents are very strict. I .................... ask for their permission if I want to go out
                       inthe evening.
                   5.  If  you  have  completed  your  homework,  you  ....................  watch  TV  or  play
                       computergames in one hour.

                   6.  If you want your drink to be cooler, you .................... need to add some more ice.
                   7.  If  you  want  to  see  her  during  office  hour,  you  ....................  call  to  inform  her  in
                       advance,I think.
                   8.  If no one answers the doorbell, they .................... not be at home now.

                      Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|7
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