Page 124 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 124

B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR                       XIV.

               III.                                               1.irregular eating habits
                   1. ingredients        2. marinatel             2.medical illness

                   3. inaccessible       4.touchdown              3.anxiety disorders – depression
                   5. mother tongue      6. floating              4.unknown
                   7. certificate        8. enrol                 5. nutritionists

               IV.                                             Listening transcript:
                   1.once in a blue                            Eating  disorders  mean  illnesses  caused  by
                   2.nine-to-five       3.make a bundle        irregular eating habits and severe distress or
                                                               concern about body weight or shape. It may
                   4. take into account  5. out of this world
                                                               include inadequate or excessive food intake
                                                               which can ultimately damage an individual’s
                   1. A   2. C   3. C    4. B   5. A           well-being.  Eating  disorders  can  happen  to

                   6. C   7. D   8. D    9. C   10. C          both men and women.
               VI.                                             They can develop during  any  stages  in  life

                   1. going              2. seeing             but typically appear during the teen years or
                   3. done               4. to do              young  adulthood.  Classified  as  a  medical
                                                               illness, appropriate treatment can  be  highly
                   5. to complete        6. choosing
                                                               effectual  for  many  of  the  specific  types  of
                   7. take               8. laughing           eating disorders.
                   9. buying             10. to persuade       Although these conditions are treatable, the
               VII.                                            symptoms  and  consequences  can  be

                   1. seasonings         2. facilitators       detrimental  and  deadly  if  not  addressed.
                   3. inexperienced      4. recruiters         Eating  disorders  commonly  coexist  with
                                                               other  conditions,  such  as  anxiety  disorders,
                   5. weightless
                                                               substance abuse, or depression.
                                                               Eating  disorders  are  complex  disorders,
                   1. A (went)           2. A (were)           influenced by a facet of factors. Though the

                   3. A (which)          4. C (consists of)    exact cause of eating disorders is unknown,
                   5. A (which are)                            it is generally believed that a combination of
                CREADING                                       biological,     psychological,      and/or
                                                               environmental  abnormalities  contribute  to
                                                               the development of these illnesses.
                   1. students           2. 24 hours
                                                               Therefore,  treatment  for  an  eating  disorder
                   3. type – amount      4. contact times
                                                               should  be  addressed  with  medical  doctors,
                   5. wet foods                                nutritionists,  and  therapists  for  complete
               X.                                              care.
                   1. become             2. complete            FWRITING

                   3. which              4. of                 XV.
                   5. exotic             6. where              1.  If tourists throw trash in the places they
                   7. veterinarian       8. specialize            come to, it will make the places polluted.

                ELISTENING                                     2.  If  you  work  as  a  salesman  for  this
               XIII.                                              company,  you  might  be  given  a  lot  of
                                                                  chances to travel abroad.
                   1.T    2. F   3. F    4. F   5. T

               122| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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