Page 123 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
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ELISTENING                                     books in English. I discovered that  English

               XIII.                                           is a very important tool for learning science.
                   1.his father                                 FWRITING

                   2.delighted and proud                       XV.
                   3.every day                                 1.  If  his  English  was  good  enough,  he
                                                                  could/  would pass the  last round of the
          fiction books
                                                                  job recruitment.
                                                               2.  If the tourism develops, local people will
                                                                  have more job opportunities
                   1. motivation         2. success
                                                               3.  Fast food, which may cause high risks of
                   3.pleasure and satisfaction                    obesity  and  heart  diseases,  is  not  a
                   4.exciting/ interesting                        healthy food.
                   5.important tool                            4.  Yuri  Gagarin  was  a  Soviet  cosmonaut

               Listening transcript:                              who became the first human in the space
               Hello,  my  name  is  Michael.  I’m  Polish.  I    in 1961.
               had  my  first  contact  with  English  when  I   5.  I had been born before the world’s  first
               was six. My dad inspired me to listen to The       commercial  spaceline  Virgin  Galactic
               Beatles, and I listened to them every day for      was founded.
               the  next  seven  years.  Firstly,  I  got  a  book   XVI.
               with  the  words  of  all  the  songs.  Still,  I   1.  If  you  don’t  have  a  good  memory,  it
               understood  very  little  of  the  meaning.  It    might be a little more difficult for you to
               became  my dream to learn English so well          learn English vocabulary.
               that I could understand The Beatles. So The     2.  I strongly believe that people can always
               Beatles  were  my  first  motivation.  That  is    achieve  their  goals  with  great  effort
               how I started my path towards English.
                                                                  regardless of challenges.
               Today,  I  can  understand  The  Beatles  very   3.  She  had  worked  as  a  librarian  in  this
               clearly. Every time I hear a Beatles song, I       school before I started my work.
               am  delighted  and  proud  because  I  have
               made  my  childhood  dream  come  true.  I      4.  Dennis  Tito,  who  is  an  American
               listen  to  many  rock  bands,  all  in  English,   millionaire,  became  the  first  space
               and  I  listen  every  day,  sometimes  for  over   tourist after 900 hours of training.
               seven hours a day. I am constantly aware of     5.  The  English  center  where  I  learnt
               my  success  with  English  because  I  can        English  for the first time  has  become a
               understand the lyrics of the songs I listen to.    very popular center to many students in
               And that gives me pleasure and satisfaction        Hanoi.
               for many hours a day.

               In  addition,  when  I  was  13  years  old,  I   END - OF - TERM  TEST2  ADVANCED
               started reading science fiction books in both
               Polish and English. I mainly read in Polish
               but  sometimes  I  felt  that  in  English  the   A  PHONETICS
               books  would  be  even  more  interesting  and   I.
               reading  would  be  more  exciting.  At  some      1. A   2. D    3. B   4. B   5. C
               point, I read my first whole book in English    II.
               and  I  understood  it.  That  moment  was  a      1. B   2. B    3. A   4. A   5. D
               breakthrough  in  my  life.  Now  I  have  read
               many  pop-science  books  and  mathematics

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