Page 118 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 118

VII.                                            XIV.

                   1. professional       2. flexibility        1.
                   3. unemployed         4. promotion             1.T    2. F    3. T   4. F   5. F

                   5. efficient                                2.
               VIII.                                              1. his mother         2. art/ hobby
                   1.B (to be committed)                          3. veterinarian       4. his friend

                   2.B (be)                                       5. calm him down
                   3.B (to work)                               Listening transcript:
                   4.C (one-year experience)                   Dave:  I  have  always  wanted  to  be  a

                   5.D (to be successful)                      professional  photographer.  Since  I  was  5
                                                               years  old  I  have  loved  to  take  pictures  of
                                                               people, and of nature, or simply I would just
                                                               take  random  snap  shots  of  things  that  I
                   1. work               2. who                thought  were  cool.  From  thenon,  my  mom
                   3. that/which         4. than               thought  it  would  be  a  good  idea  that  I

                   5. where              6. best               dedicate  my  time  to  taking  photography
                   7. that/which         8. away               classes.  I  loved  those  classes  but  after  a
                                                               while  I  stopped  going  since  I  saw
                   9. where              10. out
                                                               photography  in  a  different  way  than  my
               X.                                              teacher.  He  saw  it  as  a  job,  and  well  let’s
               1.                                              just say that I saw it as art, and the way of
                   1. iii  2. vi  3. I   4. vii  5. v          capturing  the  beauty  of  something  and

               2.                                              keeping it for a very long time. Don’t get me
                                                               wrong I still take pictures but now I do it as
                   1. productivity       2. budget
                                                               a hobby.
                   3. focused            4. competently
                                                               Joe:  Kids  usually  want  to  be  actors  and
                   5. feasible
                                                               singers when they are little. For me I wanted
                DSPEAKING                                      to  follow  in  my  parents  footsteps  and

               XII.                                            become  a  doctor.  When  I  grew  up,  the
                   A. IT programmer      B. teacher            question  popped  up  again.  My  answer  that
                                                               time was a veterinarian because of my love
                   C. taxi driver        D. chef
                                                               for  animals.  Now,  I  still  want  to  be  a
                   E. shipper
                                                               veterinarian, but another part of me wants to
                   D.saleswoman/ salesman                      be a singer. I know that it is one in a million
                ELISTENING                                     chance that I get the opportunity to show the

               XIII.                                           world  my  singing  talent,  but  as  my  friend
               Suggested answers:                              says,  “It could  happen.”  I love singing  just
                                                               as much as I love animals. Singing is the key
               -photographer             -car designer
                                                               to calming  me down. Singing  is  my dream
               -astronaut                -astronomer           job, but there are many other people in this
               -veterinarian             -comedian             world  and  it  is  almost  impossible  to  be
               -psychologist             - private detective   noticed.  My  back  up  plan  is  to  be  a

               -marine biologist         - football player     veterinarian.  Either  path  I  choose,  I  am
                                                               doing something that I love and it will make
               - blood splatter analyst   - speech therapist
                                                               me happy.
               - ...

               116| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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