Page 113 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 113

Heather:  Ok,  but  promise  not  to  say       II.
                   anything to him. We are going to see a         1. B   2. A    3. D   4. D   5. C
                   basketball  game.  It  was  so  difficult  to   B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
                   find tickets, but I got them. It is going to
                   be a great weekend.                         III.
                                                                  1. spacesuit          2. meteorite
               Clive: That sounds wonderful.
                                                                  3. microgravity       4. habitable

                                                                  5. astronomy          6. cosmonaut

                                                                  7. rinseless          8. space tourism
                                                                  9. parabolic flight   10. observatory
               1.  If I didn’t watch movies, listen to music
                   and  read  books  in  English,  my  English      1. meteorite        2. parabolic flight
                   level wouldn’t/ couldn’t be improved.          3. space tourism      4. spacesuit

               2.  If  it were not  for the IELTS certificate,      5. observatory
                   he wouldn’t go to this IELTS class.         V.
               3.  If he is not at the library now, he might      1. B   2. D    3. C   4. C   5. B
                   be reading books in the backyard of the        6. D   7. D    8. A   9. D   10. D
               4.  The development of this local attraction
                   which  can  bring  about  more  jobs  for   Suggested answers:
                   local  people  and  more  revenue  for  the   1.  The  first  animals  which  were  launched
                   region should be invested in more.             into  space  in  an  American  rocket  was
                                                                  fruit flies.
               5.  Mr. Thomas, who has a nice accent and
                   a  good  sense  of  humor,  is  my  first   2.  The man who became the first human in
                   English teacher.                               space was Yin Gagarin.
               XVI.                                            3.  What  is  the  name  of  the  man  who  is
                                                                  standing outside?
               1.  The person who strongly encouraged me
                   to learn English hard was my Literature     4.  The TV program that I hate most is one
                   teacher.                                       of  the  most  popular  TV  programs  in
               2.  The amount of money she has saved all
                   her life will be donated to charities.      5.  The kind of shampoo which  is used  by
                                                                  astronauts is rinseless.
               3.  If  you  want  the  cake  to  be  a  little
                   sweeter, you can add some teaspoons of      6.  That was the spacecraft which took him
                   sugar when you mix the ingredients.            into the space.

               4.  Tourists  who  have  bad  attitudes  often   7.  I  really  like  the  book  which  my  friend
                   throw a lot of rubbish and  make  noises       gave  me  as  a  present  for  my  18th
                   anywhere they go to.                           birthday.
               5.  Tam  Dao,  where  my  family  usually       8.  This is the place where we used to play
                   enjoys  our  weekends,  is  only  about  30    football during our childhood.
                   kilometers far away from Hanoi.             9.  The day we started our trip to Da Nang
                                                                  was a warm and sunny day.
                                                               10. The  car  which  I  first  bought  was  more
                Unit 10  SPACE TRAVEL                             economical than this one.
               I.                                              VII.
                   1. D   2. D   3. C    4. C   5. A              1. habitable          2. astronomical

                    Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|111
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