Page 114 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 114

3. weightlessness     4. establishment      administrator  for  NACA  and  its  successor

                   5.rinseless                                 agency, NASA.
               VIII.                                           As  a  research  pilot  at  NASA’s  Flight
                                                               Research  Center,  he  was  a  project  pilot on
                   1. D (engineering)  2. B (not assigned)
                                                               many  pioneering  high  speed  aircraft,
                   3. A (had studied)  4. D (be launched)
                                                               including the well-known, 4000-mph X-15.
                   5.C (historic)                              He has  flown over 200 different models of

                                                               aircraft,  including  jets,  rockets,  helicopters
                CREADING                                       and gliders.
               IX.                                             Armstrong transferred to astronaut status in

                   1.D        2. C       3. B      4. D        1962. He was assigned as command pilot for
                                                               the  Gemini  8  mission.  Gemini  8  was
                   5. D       6. C       7. A      8. C
                                                               launched on March 16, 1966, and Armstrong
               X.                                              performed  the  first  successful  docking  of

               1.                                              two vehicles in space.
                   1.F    2. T   3. F    4. F   5. F           As spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, the

               2.                                              first  manned  lunar  landing  mission,
               1.  to  help  build  the  space  station,  and   Armstrong  gained  the  distinction  of  being
                   install  some  of  the  latest  technology  to   the first man to land a craft on the moon and
                   the International Space Station.            first to step on its surface.
               2.  (There are) four.                           Armstrong subsequently was responsible for
                                                               the coordination and management of overall
               3.  extensive training
                                                               NASA research and technology work related
               4.  a  large  truss  structure  holding  solar   to aeronautics.
                                                               Armstrong was given awards and medals by
               5.  twelve days
                                                               17 countries. He was the recipient of many
                ELISTENING                                     special honors. He passed away on Aug. 25,
               XIV.                                            2012 following complications resulting from
               1.                                              heart disease. He was 82.

                   1.F    2. T   3. F    4. F   5. T            FWRITING
               2.                                              XV.
                   1. August 5, 1930     2. 4000-mph           1.  The  ISS,  which/  that  stands  for  the
                                                                  International  Space  Station,  is  a  space
                   3.jets, rockets, helicopters and gliders.
                                                                  station, or a habitable artificial satellite,
                   4.1962                5. heart disease
                                                                  in low Earth orbit.
               Listening transcript:
                                                               2.  Kjell  Lindgren  is  a  NASA  astronaut
               Neil A. Armstrong was the first man to walk        who/  that  is  replacing  items  inside  the
               on  the  moon.  He  was  born  in  Ohio,           ISS.
               America, on August 5, 1930. He  began  his         (Kjell  Lindgren, who  is replacing  items
               NASA career in Ohio.
                                                                  inside the ISS, is a NASA astronaut.)
               After serving as a naval aviator from 1949 to   3.  NASA,         which        is       an
               1952,  Armstrong  joined  the  National            American’independent  agency  of  the
               Advisory    Committee     for   Aeronautics        executive  branch  of  the  United  States
               (NACA) in 1955. Over the next 17 years, he         federal  government,  is  responsible  for
               was  an  engineer,  test  pilot,  astronaut  and
                                                                  the  civilian  space  program,  as  well  as
                                                                  aeronautics and aerospace research.

               112| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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