Page 110 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 110

5.  This  English  course  that  focuses  on    1.
                   developing communicative skills is very        1. F   2. F    3. T   4. F   5. T
                   helpful for me.

                Review1  BASIC (Units 7, 8, 9)                    1.roti,  parathas,  vegetable,  achar,  and
               A  PHONETICS                                          curd
               I.                                                 2.many centuries

                   1. B   2. A   3. C    4. B   5. A              3.wheat rotis
               II.                                                4.on  the  floor or on  very  low  stools  or
                   1. B   2. C   3. A    4. A   5. C
                   1.teaspoon        2. chop
                   3. hand luggage  4. natural beauty
                                                                  2.neon lights       7.Grand Canyon
                   5. technical term
                                                                  4.Chicago           9.Las Vegas
                   1. tasty          2. loaves
                                                                  5.sightseeing tour  10.Hollywood Hills
                   3. spicy          4. sun-cream
                   5. voucher        6. resort
                                                                  1.3.206 dollars
                   7. accurate       8. master
                                                                  2.accommodation and flights
                                                                  3.flight              4. drive
                   1.D    2. D   3.D     4. B   5. C
                                                                  5. Universal Studios and cruises
                   6. C   7. A   8.D     9. B   10. C
                                                               Listening transcript:
                                                               Hello  everyone,  welcome  to  our  adventure
                   1. the, x         2. the, the
                                                               tour Road Trip on Route 66. With this tour,
                   3. the, the       4. x, x, a
                                                               you  have  a  tour  package  for  more  than  10
                   5. the, the       6. a, the                 days, taking you from New York City to Los
                   7. the, x, the    8. a, x, the              Angeles and through New York City, USA
                   9. the, the       10. an, a                 and  other  destinations  in  USA.  You  can
                                                               enjoy  this  amazing  trip  from  only  3.206
                                                               dollars including accommodation in a hotel
                   1. obesity        2. adventurous
                                                               as  well  as  flights,  an  expert  guide,  meals,
                   3. guided         4. official               transport and more.

                   5. non-native                               If  you are  interested  in the trip,  let  me tell
               VIII.                                           you our itinerary.
                   1. C (ones)       2. A (would buy)          Day 1: Arrival at any time. On the first day,

                   3. C (are)  4. B (on)  5. C (if)            we  have  not  planned  any  events.  We
                CREADING                                       recommend getting a feel for the atmosphere
                                                               of  the  city  walking  around  Manhattan  and
                                                               the neon lights of Times Square.
                   1. known  2. beauty  3. that  4. with
                                                               Day  2-3:  On  the  2nd  day  visit  the  Empire
                   5. for     6. variety/ lot   7. popular
                                                               State  Building,  Rockefeller  Center,  enjoy
                   8.where    9. located        10. main       views from the Brooklyn Bridge, walk along

               X.                                              the  West  village,  Wall  Street,  visit  the

               108| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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