Page 105 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 105


                          RECIPES AND                                        spoon
                Unit 7  EATING HABITS                           4. peel      to take off the skin

                                                                5. mix       to put two or more different
                                                                             things together
               A PHONETICS
                                                                6. drain     to  remove  the  water  from
                                                                             something  (for  example,
                   1. D   2. C   3. A    4. D   5. B                         pasta)
               II.                                              7. chop      to cut into small pieces
                   1. B   2. D   3. A    4. B   5. A            8. marinate  to soak meat in a mixture of

                B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR                                    spices and seasonings
                                                                9. soak      to leave something in water
                   1. a piece of cake                          A. peel       B. chop       C. soak

                   2. a glass of apple juice                   D. drain      E. marinate   F. slice
                   3. a bottle of wine                         G. mix        H. stir

                   4. a bowl of noodles                        V.
                   5. a bar of chocolate                          1. A   2. A    3. D   4. A   5. B
                   6. a can of soda                               6. C   7. D    8. D   9. C   10. B
                   7. a carton of milk                         VI.

                   8. a basket of fruits                       1. must              2. should
                   9. a bunch of grapes                        3. should            4. must

                   10. a bag of flour                          5. can               6. may/ might
                   11. a slice of bread                        7. should            8. may/ might
                   12. a pinch of salt                         VII.

                   13. a handful of beans                      1.undercooked     2. hunger  3. harm
                   14. a clove of garlic                       4.digestion       5. disorders
                   15. a spoonful of honey                     VIII.

                   16. a mug of coffee                         1.B (may/might not)  2. D (slice of beef)
                   17. a barrel of wine                        3. D (them)   4. D (half)   5. A (can’t)
                   18. a sip of champagne                       CREADING

                   19. a stick of celery                       IX.
                   20. a head of cauliflower                      1. longer         2. experience

               IV.                                                3. attention      4. developed
                                                                  5. toxins         6. reduces
                    Verb              Definitions
                                                                  7. helps          8. problems
                1. blend      to  mix  the  food  very  well
                              using the blender                X.
                2. slice      to cut into thin pieces          1.
                3. stir       to  move  the  food  with  a        1.F    2. F    3. T   4. T   5. T
                              circular  movement  of  the      2.

                    Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|103
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