Page 108 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 108

2.                                              2.  Tourism  allows  a  community  to

                   1.half past five   2. 15 pounds                diversify  their  sources  of  income,  and
                                                                  rely less on a single industry.
                   3. (the)Tour Bus office
                                                               3.  The additional revenue from tourism that
                   4. Wrexham (Street)  5. (the)City Hall
                                                                  comes  into  a  community  also  benefits
               Listening transcript:
                                                                  the local councils or governments.
               Woman:  Hello.  I’d  like  some  information    4.  Anyone  who  has  been  to  a  popular
                      about the city tours please.
                                                                  tourist  destination  knows  that  they’re
               Man: Certainly. The tours will take you by         going to spend a lot of money due to the
                      bus  to  all  the  most  famous  places  in   volume  of  purchases  and  the  jacked-up
                      the  city.  You  can  get  off  the  bus  if   prices.
                      you like, and you can get on the next    5.  Most  tourists  bring  a  lot  of  waste  to
                      tour bus that passes.
                                                                  touristic places, and some tourists don’t
               Woman: How often are the tours?                    have respect for the place they visit.
               Man: They leave every fifteen minutes.

               Woman: And what time  is the  last tour of
                      the day?                                 Unit 9  ENGLISH IN THE WORLD

               Man:  Half past five. So, if  you go on that
                      tour, you won’t be able to get off the   A  PHONETICS
                      bus and get on a later one.              I.
               Woman: How much are the tickets?                   1. B   2. D    3. D   4. A   5. C

               Man: They’re ten pounds for adults and five     II.
                      pounds for children under 16.               1. A   2. A    3. C   4. C   5. D
               Woman: Fine. Can I buy tickets on the bus?      B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
               Man: No, you can’t. You need to get tickets     III.
                      from  the  Tour  Bus  office.  Do  you   -  First/    native/   second/     foreign/
                      know where that is?
                                                                  official/local/   national/   indigenous/
               Woman: No, I don’t.                                international/    universal/     formal/
               Man: It’s on Wrexham Street.                       informal/  spoken/  written/  technical/
               Woman: Wrexham Street?                             ............+ language.

               Man:Yes,  that’s  W-R-E-X-H-A-M.  The           -  Learn/      study/     master/      use/
                      office  is  open  from  nine  in  the       speak/understand/    enrich/   ............+
                      morning until five in the afternoon.        language
               Woman:  Great.  And  do  the  buses  leave      -  Language      +     learning/    course/
                      from outside the office?                    class/lesson/ acquisition/ theory/  ............

               Man:  No,  the  buses  leave  from  the  City   IV.
                      Hall.                                       1.universal       2. accents

               Woman: Okay. Thanks for your help.                 3. bilingual      4. native speaker
                FWRITING                                          5. Mother tongue
               XV.                                             V.

               1.  One  of  the  most  significant  advantages      1. D   2. B   3. D   4. C   5. C
                   of  tourism  development  is  the  jobs  it      6. D   7. B   8. D   9. C   10. C
                                                                  1. that    2. whose  3. that   4. whose

               106| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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