Page 106 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 106

1. equivalent     2. tight budget           1.  If you are afraid of gaining weight, you

                   3. pesticides     4. promote                   should limit the amount of sugar and fat
                   5. in the long run
                                                               2.  If  she  wants  her  skin  to  be  more
                                                                  beautiful, she might need to drink more
                                                                  water and eat more vegetables.
                                                               3.  If he wants to strengthen her muscles, he
                   1. T   2. F   3. T    4. T   5. T              needs to eat more beef.
               2.                                              4.  If the boy drinks a lot of soda, his teeth
                   1. 1957       2.47           3. 1              can get decayed.

                   4. 5          5. 1971        6.2007         5.  If you don’t want to have stomachache,
               Listening transcript:                              you need to eat enough and on time.
               If  you  ask  people  in  Japan  what’s  the  best   6.  If  the  food  is  served  when  it  is  hot,  it
               thing  from  their  country,  they  might  say     may be much more delicious.
               instant  noodles.  Sometimes  called  ramen,    7.  If  you  want to  add  some  flavors to the
               instant  noodles  are  enjoyed  around  the        cake, you must think very carefully.
               world. Where did they come from?                8.  If  your  daughter  gets  addicted  to

               The  history  of  instant  noodles  begins  in     chocolate, you must limit her eating it.
               Japan  in  1957.  Momofuku  Ando  was  47       9.  If you eat too late, you might suffer from
               years  old.  At  that  time,  Japan  was  not  a   eating disorders.
               developed country. Some people didn’t have      10. If Dad likes to eat spicy food, he can add
               enough food to eat. Ando wanted to make a          chili in his bowl.
               new food. It should be easy to make and not
               cost  a  lot  of  money.  He  wanted  to  make
               instant  noodles.  For  one  years,  he  tried  to   Unit 8  TOURISM
               make  it.  Nothing  worked.  One  day,
               something  good  happened.  He  put  noodles
               in hot oil. It worked well. They became easy    A  PHONETICS
               to  eatafter  sitting  in  hot  water  for  a  few   I.
               minutes.  He  found  a  way  to  make  instant      1. C   2. D   3. C   4. C   5. D
               noodles.                                        II.

               People in Japan loved them. Five years later,      1. C   2. B    3. C   4. C   5. A
               he went to  America. Some business people       B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
               tried  his  instant  noodles.  He  watched  them
               eat and saw something interesting.              III.
                                                                  1. e  2. g  3. a  4. f  5. c  6. d  7. b
               The  Americans  put  noodles  in  a  cup.  That
               gave  Ando  another  idea:  cup  noodles.  In   IV.
               1971,  he  made  instant  noodles  in  a  cup.  It      1. check out   2. full board
               was a big seller. Ando died in 2007. Many          3. passer by        4.tourist attraction
               people  remember  Ando  as  the  man  who          5. beauty spot      6. travel agent
               created  a  new  and  special  Japanese  food.      7. package tour    8. return ticket
               And it is started with a man and an idea.
                                                                  9. customer service  10. jet lag
                                                                  11. tour guide      1 2. duty free
                                                                  13. economy class  14. hand luggage
               Suggested answers:
                                                                  15. bus fare

               104| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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