Page 111 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 111

MOMA  Museum  and  go  on  a  picnic  to        1.  If  I  were  you,  I  would  have  nutritious
               Central  Park.  On  the  3rd  day  you  visit  the   food  for  my  breakfast  instead  of  fast
               Modern art museum, after that you will have        food.
               time for shopping or lunch.                     2.  I have to master English, which is very

               Day 4-5: Flight to Chicago and free time to        essential for my job as a tourist guide.
               explore the city. Next day you will go on a     3.  Mr. Gordon, who is my neighbor, comes
               sightseeing  tour  of  Chicago  on  Segways,       from an English-speaking country.
               and  after  that  you  will  get  a  car  and  a   4.  If  he  can’t  join  the  party,  it  might  be
               journey through the legendary Road 66.
                                                                  because he is too busy.
               Day  6:  Drive  from  Chicago  to  Springfield,   5.  It won’t (wouldn’t) take a lot of time to
               arrival to Springfield around 8pm. You can         cook  this  dish  if  you  learn  (learnt)  the
               rest in the atmospheric Route 66 style hotel       recipe in advance.
               and  in  the  morning  enjoy  the  highlights  of
               Route 66 around the city. In the noon, you
               will drive to Tulsa.                            Review2  ADVANCED (Units 7, 8, 9)
               Day7-8:  Drive  from  Springfield  to  Grand    A  PHONETICS
               Canyon. Today you will be standing on the       I.
               edge of the earth in the Grand Canyon. On          1.A    2. D    3. D   4. C   5. B
               the 8th day enjoy the hiking or rafting tour
               in the Grand Canyon.                            II.

               Day 9-10: You will enjoy 2 days in Vegas,          1. D   2. B    3. A   4. D   5. C
               casinos,  hotels  and  chic  nightclubs  and    B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
               remember “what happens in Vegas, stays in       III.
               Vegas”!!!                                          1. wildlife tourism   3. package tour
               Day 11-12: Moving to Los Angeles, a walk           3. expedition         5.wildlife tourism
               through  the  Hollywood  Hills,  surfing  and      5. ingredient         6. recipe
               Beverly Hills. You will get a 1-day pass to
               all  the  museums  and  attractions  including      7. dialect           8. bilingual
               Universal Studios and cruises.                     9.fluency             10. intonation
                FWRITING                                       IV.

               XV.                                                1. seasonings         2.dialect
               1.  If  his  accent  weren’t  so  strange,  it      3. package tour      4. bilingual
                   wouldn’t  be  hard  for  me  to  follow  his      5. wildlife tourism
                   speech.                                     V.
               2.  “If  I  were  you,  I  would  search  for  the      1. A   2. C   3. D   4. B   5. A
                   recipe  of  this  dish  from  the  Internet.”,      6. C   7. A   8. C   9. C   10. D
                   said my sister.
               3.  I want to have a holiday in Bali, which is
                   an island in Indonesia.                        1. which/ that        2. whose
                                                                  3. whose              4. when
               4.  Fast food, which is not a healthy food, is
                   his most favorite food.                        5. whom/ who          6. which/ that
               5.  If  you  are  allergic  to  seafood,  you  can      7.which/ that    8. where
                   enjoy many other dishes.                       9.who                 10. which

               XVI.                                            VII.
                                                                  1. circulation        2. preservatives

                    Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|109
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