Page 117 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 117

Listening transcript:                           4.  Students,  who  only  learned  what

               Women  still  have  to  do the  lion’s  share  of   teachers  provided  them  in  the  past,  are
               housework despite going out to work in ever        expected to self-study a lot nowadays.
               increasing  numbers. Researchers  found that    5.  Most  husbands,  who  didn’t  do  any
               they spent three times as  long on domestic        housework  in  the  past,  often  share
               chores  as their  husbands  or  partners.  Some    housework with their wives nowadays.
               female  breadwinners,  however,  have  to
               shoulder the burden of all the housework as
               almost  one  in  five  men  admitted  to  doing   Unit 12  MY FUTURE CAREER
               nothing at all around the home.
               The  average  for  women  was  17  hours  a     A  PHONETICS
               week, compared to just under six hours for      I.
               men. But more than a quarter of wives and          1.D    2. B    3. D   4. D   5. A
               girlfriends spend more than 21 hours a week     II.
               on  domestic  chores.  These  times  exclude
               childcare,  which  is  also  traditionally  far      1. A   2. A   3. B   4. A   5. A
               more likely to fall on women.                   B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
               The  findings  come  despite  the  best         III.
               intentions  of  most  men,  who  agreed  that      1. work- job          2. work
               they should share the burden by doing more         3. job                4. career
                                                                  5. job - career       6. work
               Researchers  said  the  survey  results  meant      7. career            8. work
               women      would     not   achieve    equal
               opportunities  at  work  until  their  menfolk      9. work              10. job
               contributed more to looking after the home.     IV.
               In the survey, 1,800  men and women were              Positive             Negative
               asked  about  everyday  chores,  such  as  the    personality traits   personality traits
               laundry,  cleaning,  cooking,  food  shopping,       ambitious,          disorganized,
               looking after sick relatives and carrying out         articulate,       careless, absent-
               repairs.  But  men  only  made  a  significant      approachable,      minded, arrogant,
               contribution by mending faulty items around       cheerful, creative,   boastful, dependent,
               the house.                                           determined,         selfish, messy,
               At  least  two-thirds  of  women  said  it  was   devoted, diligent,       distracted,
               usually them who carried out the other tasks,    energetic, punctual,     pessimistic,
               rising to 85 per cent for doing the laundry.     patient, responsible,    thoughtless

                FWRITING                                           open-minded
               XV.                                             V.
               1.  Dish  washers  will  be  used  by  more        1.C    2. C    3. D   4. B   5. A
                   families in the coming years.                  6. D   7. B    8. B   9. B   10. A

               2.  By the end of this week, a new vacuum       VI.
                   cleaner  will  have  been  bought  by  my   1. launching      2. liking     3. to be
                   father as a gift for my mother.
                                                               4. meeting        5. learning   6. to buy
               3.  Air-conditioners,  which  weren’t  used
                   popularly  in  the  past,  are  now  installed   7. to watch   8. playing   9. to cook
                   in almost every households.                 10. working

                    Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|115
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