Page 41 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 41

3. EXPITONEDI               a  journey  or  voyage  undertaken  by  a
                                                group  of  people  with  a  particular   .........................
                                                purpose,  especially  that  of  exploration,
                                                scientific research, or war.

                    4. SEASOGSNIN               salt,  herbs,  or  spices  added  to  food  to   .........................
                                                enhance the flavor.

                    5. GRINEDNTIE               any of the  foods or substances that are
                                                combined to make a particular dish.      .........................
                    6. CIREPE                   a  set  of  instructions  for  preparing  a
                                                particular  dish,  including  a  list  of  the  .........................
                                                ingredients required.
                    7. DLEIACT                  a  particular  form  of  a  language  that  is
                                                peculiar  to  a  specific  region  or  social  .........................
                    8. BIGINALUL                speaking  two  languages  fluently  or
                                                being  written  or  conducted  in  two  .........................
                    9. FCUENYL                  the  ability  to  speak  or  write  a  foreign   .........................
                                                language easily and accurately.

                    10. INNATOTION              the rise and fall of the voice in speaking   .........................

                IV  Fill in the blank with a suitable word/phrase from exercise III.

                   1.  Althoughthestepsincookingthisdisharequitesimple,adding  ..........................seems  the
                       most difficult thing.
                   2.  Despite  learning  English  for  such  a  long  time,  she  is  sometimes  confused  with
                       thisEnglish .......................... .
                   3.  A .......................... is not preferred by the active youngers who want to prepare A-Z
                       for their own trips.

                   4.  Some people don’t like reading Vietnamese-English ..........................   booksbecause
                       they think it will make them lazy in their English learning.
                   5.  ..........................  is  not  my  interest.  I  am  more  concerned  about  local  cultureand
                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

                   1.  Can you tell me what ............... I need to prepare to cook Pho?
                       A. ingredients       B.facilities          C.foods              D.beverages

                   2.  We didn’t spend as much money on our trip as people had thought because it was a
                       ............... travel.

                       A. saving            B.saved               C.budget             D.budgeted
                   3.  All  of  the  students  really  enjoyed  the  ...............  tour  which  took them  to the  most
                       impressive beauty spots of the city.
                       A. adventure         B.culture             C.religious

                   4.  Luckily, my family was offered another 20% discount when booking rooms at that
                       hotel because it was ............... then.

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|39
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