Page 43 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 43

A       B                      C     D

                       post office and opposite the Military bank.

                   2.  She and her dog whoare both making a lot of noise in front of the      ...................
                                        A  B

                       hotel check-in counter really make people annoyed.
                                                    C              D
                   3.  As my father is very interested in natural world and wildlife          ...................

                                               A                            B
                       conservation, a trip to Kenya should be his number one option for
                                          C            D

                       this year’s travel plan.
                   4.  The development of tourism sectorthat can bring out many benefits      ...................

                                                 A        B
                       to our country deserves more financially investment in
                                         C                    D

                       the next few years.
                   5.  Da Nang wherehas some of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam         ...................
                                 A     B                               C

                       has attracted many tourists every year.

               C. READING

                IX   Read the passage.

                  1   Read the passage.
                   Living in a country far from home, (1) ................ everyone speaks a language you didn’t
                   grow  up  with,  can  be  a  challenge.  For  some  international  students,  the  English  (2)
                   ................ can be a barrier that makes them feel lonely  and excluded. Once they get to
                   America,  a  concern  for  international  students  is  the  “Test  of  English  as  a  foreign
                   language”, also known as the TOEFL test. It evaluates their listening, reading and writing
                   skills and is required for non-native English (3)   ................ However, many people think
                   that TOEFL is of limited ability. It (4) ................ how fast you can read, some grammar or
                   some vocabulary, but it doesn’t help you with the real problems you have to face once
                   you’ve  passed  it.  Many  students  still  have  to  struggle  with  (5)  ................  lectures  and
                   interacting with professors. Basic skills such as (6) ................ notes, writing essays and
                   coping with the quantity of reading for class can be big issues (7) ................ they are not
                   measured and tested by TOEFL.

                       Then oversea students need to overcome those language difficulties. Practicing your
                   language skills on  your (8) ................ is  not  a good idea. International  students  should
                   focus on having real and meaningful conversations with native speakers. Students should

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|41
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