Page 67 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 67

7.  At the peak of her ................, she was managing a big company with fiveinternational

                   8.  Gary’s not home yet. He’s still at ................
                   9.  Brad was fired because his ................ was often sloppy and full of errors.

                   10. I’ve applied for a ................ in the non-profit sector.
                IV   Put the following adjectives of personality traits into the correct columns.

                      ambitious         disorganized      articulate        approachable  careless

                      cheerful          creative          absent-minded     arrogant         determined
                      dependent         devoted           boastful          diligent         selfish
                      messy             distracted        energetic         punctual         patient

                      pessimistic       responsible       thoughtless       open-minded

                             Positive personality traits               Negative personality traits
                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................
                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................

                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................
                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................
                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................
                        ...........................................................   ...........................................................
                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

                   1.  If you want to apply .................. the teaching job in that English center, you need to
                       show aspecial qualification in TESOL.
                       A. to                B. in                 C. for               D. with
                   2.  He sent me a sample of .................. form so that I could write mine based on it.

                       A. appliance         B. applicant          C. application       D. applicable
                   3.  Everyone wishes to have a chance to work for that company because of its  .................
                       A. well-paid         B. high-paid          C. high -paying      D. all are correct

                   4.  She is a proactive and creative person, so she is not suitable for a .................. job.
                       A. five – to – nine                        B. nine – to – five

                       C. fives – to – nines                      D.nines – to – fives
                   5.  ................. of the favorable working environment, she is not really happy with her job.
                       A. In spite          B. Despite            C. Although          D. Both A & B

                   6.  ..................  the  fact  that  Jenny  didn’t  perform  well  in  the  job  interview,  she  still
                       thought thatshe would be offered that job.
                       A. In spite of       B. Despite            C. Although          D. Both A & B
                   7.  We regret .................. you that you are not suitable for our job position.

                       A. inform   inform           C.informing          D.informed
                   8.  He has just decided .................. his current job to work for a bigger company.
                       A. quit     quit             C.quitting           D.quitted

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|65
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