Page 72 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 72

XIII   Work  in  pairs.  Besides  commonly  mentioned  jobs  such  as  teachers,  doctors,
                       engineers, etc., think of other jobs which are very interesting but less popular.
                       List them in the space below.

          critic..........   .....................................   .....................................
                   .....................................   .....criminal profiler.....   .....................................

                   .....................................   ..................................... artist..........
                   .....................................   .....................................   .....................................
                   Now compare your list with other groups.

                XIV   1.Listen to Dave and Joe talking about what they want to do in the future. Decide
                       if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
                   1.  Dave’s interest in photography started when he was young.               .................
                   2.  Dave and his teacher shared the same views about photography.           .................

                   3.  Joe’s father and mother are both doctors.                               .................
                   4.  Joe loves animals much more than singing.                               .................
                   5.  Joe strongly believes in his potential to become a famous singer.       .................

                       2.Listen again. Answer the questions below.
                   1.  Who supported Dave to follow his interest in photography?

                   2.  In Dave’s view, what is photography seen as?
                   3.  Besides singing, what job does Joe also want to do?

                   4.  Who encouraged Joe to become a singer?

                   5.  What does singing help Joe?

               F. WRITING

                XV  Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
                   1.  Although she had a good qualification, she was not selected for that job position.

                   →  Despite  .......................................................................................................................
                   2.  In spite of her dream to become a singer, her parents force her to study Economics.
                   →  Although  ....................................................................................................................

                   3.  In spite of his lack of the English certificate, the company’s director still wanted to
                       recruit him.
                   →  Despite the fact that  ....................................................................................................
                   4.  “How about going to the cinema tonight?”, said Tom.

                   →  Tom suggested ............................................................................................................
                   5.  I haven’t yet decided to buy that expensive computer or not.
                   →  I am considering  .........................................................................................................

                XVI   Write an email (100-120 words) to your friend. Tell him about your dream job in
                       the future.

               70| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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