Page 75 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 75

IV   Choose one suitable word/phrase in the box given to fill in the blank.

                      career            accountant        qualifications    certificates     spacesuits

                      microgravity      mathematician     task              weightless       mission
                      galaxy            orbit             work              job              spacecraft

                   1.  She is very good with numbers, and she wants to be a/an  .......................... working in
                       a big financial company.
                   2.  He is such a devoted and inspiring man. He has made a lot of achievements in his
                              .......................... as a politician.

                   3.  In order to be offered with this well-paid job, you need to show some relevant special
                       .......................... as required in the job advertisement.
                   4.  After  the  trainees  complete  this  2-week  training  courses,  ..........................  will  be
                       given to them.
                   5.  I guess that .......................... are very heavy, so astronauts must be really physically
                       strong to put them on.

                   6.  .......................... makes astronauts and other objects float in space.
                   7.  Neil Amstrong completed his  .......................... to become the first human to walk on
                       the moon in July 1969.
                   8.  .......................... is a system of millions or billions of stars.

                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
                   1.  A ................. travels around the Earth to  collect information or to communicate by
                       radio, television, etc.
                       A. rocket            B.telescope           C.satellite          D.spacecraft

                   2.  Astronauts are trained to operate spacecraft systems and ................. emergencies.
                       A. dealt with        B.handle              C.cope with          D.all are correct

                   3.  This group of voluntary students who are very enthusiastic are ................. supporting
                       newstudents to complete their admission procedure.
                       A. in charge of      B.with chargein       C. on charge of charge with
                   4.  The secretary is capable ................. working under tight schedule and work well as
                       part of a team.
                       A. in                B. on                 C. of                D. with

                   5.  Despite ................. by the teacher earlier, the stubborn schoolboy continued to make
                       mistakes deliberately.
                       A. be punished                             B. punishing

                       C. having punished                         D. having been punished
                   6.  By this time last night, she ................. the application form and had it sent.
                       A. finished                                B. will have finished

                       C. had finished                            D. had been finished
                   7.  My five –year – old little brother, ................. has just started to learn English, sings
                       the English Alphabet song again and again every day.

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|73
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