Page 78 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 78

2.  What farm job is not too costly to use agriculture robots?

                   3.  What do farm workers carry when they apply some chemicals to vegetables?

                   4.  What can the automated system distinguish?

                   5.  To reduce cost, what do some American farmers buy?

                  1   Fill in the blank with a suitable word/ phrase from the passage.
                   1.  Weeding lettuce can do harm to farmers’ health because of   ................................ .

                   2.  The automated system designed by Danish doesn’t require  ................................ .
                   3.  The majority of robots are specifically designed for   ................................ .
                   4.  The  ................................  between  most  agriculture  robots  with  human  labor  hasn’t
                       been achieved yet.

                   5.  The  proportion  of  Americans  using  automated  machine  in  their  farming  occupies
                       ................................ .
                                            X  Read the passage. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
                                              Space  tourism  (1)  ........................  ordinarymembers  of  the
                                           public buying tickets to travel to space and back. Many people
                                           find  this  idea  futuristic.  But  over  the  (2)  ........................  few
                                           years  a  growing  volume  of  professional  work  has  been  (3)
                                           ........................ on the subject, and it’s now clear that setting up
               commercial space tourism services is a realistic target for business today.

                   The first steps will just be short sub-orbital flights, since these are easier than getting to
               orbit.  But  the  technical  know-how  to  make  passenger  launch  vehicles  and  orbiting  hotel
               accommodation is available, and there is enormous unsatisfied demand - market research has
               revealed that most people, at (4) ........................ in the industrialized countries, would like to
               (5) ........................ a trip to space if it was possible. This gives huge scope for reducing the
               (6) ........................ of space travel by large-scale operation like airlines.
                   The main obstacle is simply the conservatism of the space industry as it is today. Since
               Sputnik  was  (7)  ........................  in  1957  most  space  activities  have  been  funded  by
               governments. And this “cold war” pattern of space activities has created an image of space
               that  colours  everyone’s  thinking  (8)  ........................  it  -  writers,  journalists,  politicians,
               scientists and engineers, and the general public.

               D. SPEAKING

                XI   Work in pairs. Tell your partner about one of the most interesting jobs that you
                     have ever known/ heard about.

                     You should base on some suggestions below.
                     - What is the job?
                     - What do people do in that job?

                     - Why is it interesting to you?/ What is/ are the special feature(s) of the job?

               76| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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