Page 82 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 82

4. FDALEUISM           male-dominated society                      ..............................

                    5. FATACILITE          make (an action or process) easy or easier.  ..............................
                    6. GDEENR              prejudice  or  discrimination  based  on  a
                    DISINACRIMTION         person’s sex or gender.                     ..............................
                                           the process of trying to acquire or develop
                    7. CUVALTITION                                                     ..............................
                                           a quality or skill.

                    8. OCPUTIOACN          a job or profession                         ..............................
                                           a  quality  or  accomplishment  that  makes
                    9. QUTIOFIALICAN  someone  suitable  for  a  particular  job  or  ..............................
                                           having     or    showing      care    and
                    10. DIELIGNT                                                       ..............................
                                           conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.

                IV   Fill in the blank with a suitable word/phrase from exercise III.
                   1.  Whereas astronaut is the job title for those who are certificated by NASA, ESA, CSA,
                       orJAXA,  .....................................  is  for  those  who  are  certificated  by  the  Russian
                       Space Agency.
                   2.  We have struggled for a long time to eradicate ..................................... so that equality
                       between men and women is obtained in our society.

                   3.  I  believe  that  the  set  of  soft-skills  that  I  have  acquired  during  my  internship  will
                       facilitate me in my future .....................................
                   4.  He is such an ..................................... employee, so it is not strange that he will get
                       promoted one day.
                   5.  I am afraid to say that your ..................................... is not suitable for this job.

                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
                   1.  It can be difficult to choose a ................. because there are a lot of things to consider.
                       A. career ladder path opportunity break

                   2.  In student-centered teaching approach, students’ learning styles should be taken into
                       A. account           B.mind                C.consideration      D.both A & C

                   3.  If students don’t want to follow an academic  ................. to university, they can get
                       vocational training.

                       A. way               B.road                C.route              D.path
                   4.  “The  Adventures of Huckleberry  Finn”,  ................. I enjoyed a  lot, was  written by
                       Mark Twain.
                       A. that              B. whom               C. which             D.both A & C

                   5.  Mrs Kelly, ................. is very kind-hearted and helpful, took me to hospital when I
                       fainted at school.
                       A. who               B.whom                C.that               D.bothA & C

                   6.  The university ................. organized the most successful Student’s Job Fair in 2016
                       islocated near here.
                       A. where             B.who                 C.which              D.bothB & C
                   7.  I cannot postpone ................. this work as it does not depend on me.

                       A. do       do               C.doing     doing

               80| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2
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