Page 83 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 83

8.  Does working as a salesman involve a lot of .................?

                       A. travel            B.traveling  travel          D.bothB & C
                   9.  They deserve ................ as we appreciate their great contributions to our organization.

                       A. be awarded        B. to be awarded      C. being awarded  D. to being awarded
                   10. She sent me an e-mail  ................. me that the meeting ................. .
                       A. informing – was cancelled               B. to inform – had been cancelled

                       C. informing – had cancelled               D. to inform – had cancelled
                VI   Put comma(s) in the sentences below. Then write D for Defining relative clauses or
                     ND for non-defining relative clauses next to each sentence.
                   1.  ...................   Lady Gaga who is a well-known pop star is only24.

                   2.  ...................   Queen  Elizabeth  II  who  is  83  has  been  the  queenof  England  for  57
                   3.  ...................   It’s the fierce dog that bit me two days ago.
                   4.  ...................   Tom Cruise who has starred a lot of films is a famous American actor.

                   5.  ...................   The village where I grew up is very small.
                   6.  ...................   London which  is the capital of England  is one ofthe  largest cities  in

                   7  ...................   This is the dress my mother has made for me.
                   8  ...................   Greg  whose  job  involves  travelling  a  lot  has  been  in  nearly  all  the
                                     countries in the world.
                   9  ...................   The office I have just rented is near my home.
                   10  ...................   This is the officer that arrested the burglar.

               VII   Fill in the blank with the correct form of the given word.
                   1.  More  and  more  ...........................  applications  have  been  used  in   technology
                       teaching and learning so far.
                   2.  The ........................... of new teaching and learning approach which   adopt
                       centrals  on  learners  has  brought  about  positive  outcomes  in
                   3.  It  is  very  interesting  to  work  as  a  researcher  who  carries  out   science
                       significant  ........................... research to benefit people’s life.
                   4.  It  is  good  that  youngsters  nowadays  become  more  and  more     depend
                       ...........................  in  not  only  their  thinking  but  also  their
                   5.  My  cousin,  who  is  26  years  old  now,  is  ...........................  He   employ
                       ........................... is running a small business in traditional crafts.

                VIII   Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
                   1.  The men who never share household chore with their wives             ......................
                                 A                       B

                       will never understand how tired their wives are every day.
                                                C                 D

                   2.  After being arrested by the police, he admittedto have stolen        ......................
                                   A                           B           C

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|81
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