Page 11 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 11
cOMMUNIcaTION How much do you know?
Extra vocabulary 3a read about two famous TV programmes for
clumsy cute children.
mini-series entertain
Let’s Learn
Let’s Learn. It is a TV programme for small
children which makes education fun. How?
It has cute characters, fun songs, and special
guests. It began many years ago, in 1969.
People in over 80 countries can now watch
it. It’s not just for kids, parents
1 complete the facts below with the name of and teenagers love the
the correct country in the box. programme too.
Finland the USA Viet Nam
Japan Iceland Britain Hello Fatty! It is a popular TV
cartoon series for kids. It’s about a
Facts clever fox from the forest called Fatty,
and his clumsy human friend. Together
1. Pokemon cartoons are made in _______.
they have many adventures. Millions
2. Weekend Meeting comedies are famous shows in of children around the world enjoy this
______. cartoon. It can both entertain and educate a
young audience.
3. In ______, there is no TV on Thursdays.
4. The Discovery channel makes education fun for 3b read the facts in the table and tick the correct
kids in ______. programme(s).
5. They don’t show Donald Duck in ______ because
he doesn't wear trousers. Facts Let's Learn Hello Fatty!
6. Sherlock is a mini-series about detective Sherlock 1. This programme educates
Holmes in ______. children.
2 do you agree with the following statements? 2. This programme appears in
80 countries.
1. TV is just for fun, not for study. 3. It’s a TV cartoon series.
2. The first TV programme for children appeared 4. Both parents and teenagers
late, in 1980. enjoy this programme.
3. There are not enough programmes for children 5. It’s a story of adventures.
on TV. 6. This programme invites
4. It is good to watch TV programmes from other guests to appear.
5. Staying at home to watch TV is better than 4 Work in groups.
going out. Read about the two programmes again. Tell your
group which one you prefer and why.
Unit 7/ Television 11