Page 8 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 8

a cLOSEr LOOk 1                                                                                                     a cLOSEr LOOk 2

                                                             3  Game             What is it?

          Vocabulary                                                                           ?
         1  Write the words/ phrases in the box under the

                MC                  weatherman
                viewer              newsreader
                TV schedule         remote control
                                                             Divide  the  class  into  4  –  5  groups.  Each  group
                                                             chooses two words from the list below and work out
                                                             a description for each word. The groups take turns
                                                             reading the descriptions aloud. The other groups try
                                                             to guess what word it is. The group with the most
                                                             correct answers wins.
             1.                      2.                                                 Suggested structure
                                                                                          for description

                                                              newsreader,  weatherman,  A person who ______
                                                              comedian, TV screen,     A programme which__
                                                              sports programme,        It ______
                                                              animals programme,

             3.                      4.                       TV schedule

                                                             /θ/ and /ð/
                                                             4   listen and repeat the words.

                                                                there          Thanksgiving       anything
             5.                      6.
                                                                them           weatherman         both
                                                                theatre        earth              feather
          Listen, check your answers and repeat the words.      neither        than               through

          2  choose  a  word  from  the  box  for  each
             description below.                              5  Which  words  in  4  have  /θ/  and  which
                                                                 have  /ð/?  listen  again  and  write  them  in

             volume button    MC          remote control         the correct column.
             weatherman       TV viewer   newsreader                    / θ /                  / ð/

          1.  ______:  A man on a television or radio programme
                    who gives a weather forecast.
          2.  ______:  Someone who reads out the reports
                    on a television or radio news programme.
          3.  ______:  We use it to change the channel from
                    a distance.                                6  Tongue Twister.
          4.  ______:  A person who announces for a TV event.   Take turns reading the
          5.  ______:  It is a button on the TV to change  the   sentence quickly and correctly.
                                                                 The thirty-three thieves are thinking of
          6.  ______: A person who watches TV.
                                                                     how to get through the security.

          8   Unit 7/ Television
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13