Page 28 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 28

a Closer look 1


          Vocabulary                                         / u/ and /аi/
          1  match the words in a with their opposites in b.   3  listen  and  write  the  words  you  hear  in  the

             Some words may have more than one opposite.         appropriate  column.  Then,  read  the  words

                    a                         b                  aloud.
               1.  old                  a.  safe                       / u/                     /аi/
               2.  dangerous            b.  dirty
               3.  quiet                c.  wet                        cold                    sky

               4.  dry                  d.  polluted
               5.  clean                e.  new
               6.  historic             f.  exciting
                                        g.  hot
               7.  boring
                                        h.  modern
               8.  cheap                i.  expensive
               9.  cold                 k.  noisy

          2  create word webs.

         Example:                                            4    listen and repeat.

               beautiful                    peaceful         1.  New York is an exciting city with many skyscrapers.
                                                             2.  It’s very cold in Sweden in the winter with lots
                                                                 of snow.
                                                             3.  I like looking at tall buildings at night with their
                                                                 colourful lights.
               delicious                      awful          4.  Write and tell me how to cook that Thai curry.
                                                             5.  You can go boating on the West Lake. It’s nice!
                                                             6.  Oxford  University  is  the  oldest  university  in
               beautiful                     friendly
                                                             Superlatives of long adjectives
                                                                            long adjectives

                                                                •  2-syllable adjectives (not ending in –y)
                                                                   Example: famous, peaceful
                                                                •  All adjectives of 3 or more syllables
                                                                   Example: expensive, delicious

                                                                   Superlatives of long adjectives
                                                                    famous    →  the most famous
                                                                    expensive  →  the most expensive

          28  Unit 9/ Cities of the World
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