Page 32 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 32

skills 1

                                                             1.  What city is Mai in?
         reading                                             2.  Who is with her?
                                                             3.  What has the weather been like?
         Love from Sweden
                                                             4.  Where is Mai staying?
         1 look at the postcard.                             5.  What has she done so far?
          1.  What is the picture on the postcard of?        6.  What do you think ‘fika’ means?
          2.  What do you think is written on this postcard?  7.  What will she do tomorrow?
          3.  What  is  the  purpose  of  writing  and  sending   8.  How is Mai feeling? How do you know?
             postcards while you are on holiday?
                                                             3 read the text again and match the headings
                                                                 with the numbers.

                                                             a.  Address  of  the  person/people  who  get  the
                                                             b.  Weather/hotel/food
                                                             c.  Opening
                                                             d.  What you have seen or done
                                                             e.  Closing
                                                             f.  A  very  popular  sentence  used  for  postcards,
                                                                 near the closing
                                                             g.  What you will do next
                                                             h.  An overall feeling about the place
                                                             i.  Date

         2 read the postcard and answer the questions.

           (1) September 6 th                                4 choose a city. Imagine you have just arrived
                                                                 in that city and want to tell your friends about
           (2) Dear Grandpa and
           Grandma,                                              it. make notes below.
                                                             •  When did you arrive?
           (3) Stockholm is fantastic!
           (4) The weather has been                          •  Who are you with?
           perfect. It’s sunny! The hotel                    •  Where are you staying?
           and the food are ok. (5) We   To: (9)  Grandpa and   •  What have you done?
           had “fika” in a café in the       Grandma
           Old Town. The Royal Palace   Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi    •  What are you doing tomorrow?
           (pictured) is too beautiful for  VIETNAM          •  How are you feeling?
           words! Swedish art & design
           is so amazing! Phuc loves it!                     5 In pairs, use your notes to tell your partner
           (6) Mum and Dad have rented                           about your city. Then, listen and write down
           bikes. Tomorrow we’re cycling                         notes about your partner's city in the space
           around to discover the city.                          below.
           (7) Wish you were here!
           (8) Love,

           Hanh Mai

          32  Unit 9/ Cities of the World
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