Page 34 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 34
lookinG BaCk
3 In pairs, complete this fact sheet about
Viet Nam.
1 choose the best two options.
• Biggest city: Ho chi minh city
1. The city is ___________.
a. exciting b. amazing c. long • Oldest university: ________________________
2. The weather is ___________. • Most popular Vietnamese writer: ___________
a. cold b. quiet c. sunny • Most popular food: ______________________
3. The people are ___________. • Most popular drink: ______________________
a. friendly b. polluted c. nice • Most common activity: ____________________
4. The buildings are ___________.
a. tall b. beautiful c. fast
5. The food is ___________.
a. noisy b. delicious c. good 4 using the infomation from your fact sheet,
write a short paragraph (7 - 8 sentences)
Grammar about Viet Nam.
2 Put the verbs in the brackets into the present communication
5 Game: yes I have
Nhung: _________ you ever (1. eat) _________ a In pairs, ask a Have you ever... question. You may use
Philadelphia cheese steak? the questions from the Class Survey in A closer look 2,
page 30, to help you . Then asks three 'Wh' questions
Nora: Yes, I have.
to get more information from your partner and guess
Nhung: Really? _________ you (2. be) _________ to if he/she is telling the truth or not.
Philadelphia? A: Have you ever been on TV?
Nora: Yes, I (3. be) _________ there twice. I (4. be) B: Yes.
_______ to many famous places in the city. A: When was that?
B: Last year.
Nhung: _______ you (5. visit) _________ the
A: Which programme were you in?
Constitution Centre?
B: Erm… the Evening News.
Nora: No, I haven’t, but I (6. see) _________ the
A: Why were you there?
Liberty Bell. Look at this postcard.
B: I don’t remember!
Finished! Now you can ....
• use adjectives to talk
about some famous
cities and their
• compare things using
the superlative of long
• use present perfect to
describe an experience
• write a postcard about
travel experiences
34 Unit 9/ Cities of the World