Page 36 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 36

REviEw 3 (UNiTS 7-8-9)

         lANGUAGE                                                  3.   ____  has many useful programmes.
                                                                   4.   Russia is the biggest ______ in the world.
         Pronunciation                                             5.   You can use a ______ to change channels.
         1  odd one out. Which underlined sound is pronounced      6.   ______ are very popular in countries with
             differently in each group?
                                                                       a lot of sunshine like Australia.
         1.   A. bicycle   B. exciting   C. favourite   D. widely
         2.   A. doctor   B. opening   C. gold       D. postcard   Grammar
         3.   A. farther   B. earth    C. both       D. marathon   5   complete the sentences with the present
         4.   A. fear   B. repeat     C. idea        D. really        simple, present perfect or past simple
                                                                      forms of the verbs in brackets.
         5.   A. hair   B. fare       C. prepare     D. speaker    1.   John, you are late. The documentary
         6.   A. further   B. another   C. leather   D. author
                                                                          ______ ten minutes ago. (start)
                                                               2.   Children sometimes ______ adult sports like golf.
         2   Practise saying the sentences. Pay attention to      (play)
             the pronunciation of the underlined words.
                                                               3.   The USA __________ colour TV in 1953. (have)
         1.   What sport can you play in the cold weather?     4.   The World Cup ______ held every four years. (be)
         2.   The bathroom door is closed tightly.
                                                               5.   My mother ______ me a pair of sports shoes for
         3.   Her hair is shining brightly in the sun.            my last birthday. (buy)
         4.   I know neither Stockholm nor Rio de Janeiro.
                                                               6.   Thomas ______ for BBC One since 2005. (work)
                                                               6   are  the  underlined  question  words  correct?
         3   choose a, b, or c to fill the gaps in the passage.   if not, correct them.
         Most  children  love  (1)  ______  activities.  They  play    1.   Who sports do you like?
         football,  go  skateboarding  or  go  (2)  _________.    2.   – What time do you have English classes?

         In  countries  with  snow  like  (3)  _________,          – Monday and Thursday.
         children  go  to  the  mountains  with  their
                                                               3.   What is the longest river in the world?
         parents  to  go  skiing.  They  can  make  a
                                                               4.   What tall are the Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur?
         (4) ______  in the playground in front of their house.
         When the weather is bad, they can stay at home and    5.   Where is the Great Wall: China or Korea?
         watch interesting (5) ______ on TV.                   7   use the superlatives in the box to complete
         1.   A. outdoor       B. indoor     C. school            the sentences.
         2.   A. tennis        B. swimming   C. karate           the most interesting     The most relaxing
         3.   A. Sweden        B. Paris      C. Bangkok           The most expensive      the most popular
         4.    A. snowman      B. postman    C. sportsman         the most colourful

         5.   A. channels      B. viewers    C. programmes     1.   ______ city in the world is Tokyo. People need a
                                                                  lot of money to live there.
         4   choose one of the words/phrases in the box        2.   Football is ______ sport in the world. Everybody
             to complete sentences 1-6.
                                                                  loves it.
            football    remote control       country           3.   National Geographic is _____________ channel.

             Paris      local television  Summer sports           We can learn a lot when we watch it.
         1.   The most famous building in ___________ is the   4.   - What is ______ holiday in your country?
             Eiffel Tower.                                        - It’s Tet. There are lots of fireworks.

         2.   Pelé is the greatest ______ player of all time.  5.   _____ city in the USA is Hawaii. The city is full of
                                                                  holiday makers.

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