Page 43 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 43
2 class survey: HOMES iN THE FUTURE
a read the questions below. tick ‘Yes’or ‘No’.
1 Game.
Yes No
1. Will you live in a hi-tech
a Write the following phrases on six small house? ✔
pieces of paper. 2. Will your house be in ✘
go to school take pictures with 3. Will you have a lot of trees
our cameras and flowers around your
have telephones go on holiday to 4. Will you have a fridge that
at home the beach
can cook your meals?
5. Will you have a robot that
watch new films send postcards can look after your children?
in the cinema to friends
6. Will you have a car to fly
into space?
b Play the game in groups following the
instructions. b Work in pairs. use the questions in a to
Place six pieces of paper face down. Take turns interview your partner.
looking at a piece of paper.
Read the phrase on it. Find the appropriate Example:
phrase on the circle below. You: Hi, Nam. Will you live in a hi-tech house in
Make a sentence about the future using won’t the future?
and might Nam: Yes, I will.
Correct sentence: + 1 point You: Will your house be in space?
Incorrect sentence: - 1point Nam: Oh, no. It won’t.
You: So where will it be?
Nam: I’m not sure. It might be by the sea.
go on holiday to c tell the class about your interview.
the Moon
In the future, Nam will live in a hi-tech house.
our watches
take pictures with
It won’t be in space. It might be by the sea.
watch films on send video cards
smart phones to friends
study on computers at our computers
call friends on
In the future, we won’t go on holiday to the beach
but we might go on holiday to the Moon.
Unit 10/ our houses in the future 43
42 Unit 10/ Unit 10/ our houses in the future 43
Unit 10/ our houses in the futureour houses in the future