Page 44 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 44

SkillS 1


          1  look at the picture and discuss with a partner.         A                          B

          1.   What type of house do you think it is?                                 a.  clean the floors
          2.   Where do you think the house is?               1.  The house           b.  contact my friends
          3.   What can you see around the house?                 will have           c.  wash clothes
                                                                  robots to
          4.   What can you see in the house?                                         d.  order food from the
          2  Quickly read the text. check your ideas from 1.                          e.  cook meals
                                                              2.  The house           f.  send and receive
          3  read the text and match the phrases in a with        will have a             my e-mails
             the correct ones in b.                               super smart         g.  surf the Internet
                                                                  TV to
                                                                                      h.  water the flowers
             My future house will be on the ocean. It will
             be  surrounded  by  tall  trees  and  blue  sea.   4  read  the  passage  again  and  answer  the
             There will be a swimming pool in front and          questions.
             a  large  flower  garden  behind  the  house.   1.  Where will the house be located?
             There will be a helicopter on the roof so that   2.  What will there be in front and behind the house?
             I can fly to school.                            3.  Will the house have wind energy?
                                                             4.  What will the robots do?
             My  future  house  will  have  solar  energy.
             There  will  be  some  robots  in  the  house.   Speaking
             They will help me do the housework, such        5  Work in pairs. on a piece of paper, draw your
             as:  cleaning  the  floors,  cooking  meals,        future  house  (don’t  show  your  partner).
             washing clothes, watering the flowers and           Describe  your  house  to  your  partner.  your
             feeding the dogs and cats.                          partner will draw the  house you describe.
             I  will  have  a  super  smart  TV  in  my  house.      My house will be on the Moon. It will be large
             It  will  help  me  surf  the  Internet,  send  and     and comfortable.
             receive my e-mails, and contact my friends      6  Work in groups. Draw the appliances in your
             on other planets. It will also help me order        future bedroom then talk about them to the
             food from the supermarket.                          group.
                                                                 I will have a smart phone to talk to my friends
                                                                 on other planets.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit 10/ our houses in the future
        44  Unit 10/                                                                                                                                                                       Unit 10/ our houses in the future 45
            Unit 10/ our houses in the futureour houses in the future
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