Page 111 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 111

        12 Complete the sentences with who, which or                         *  -J           Play in groups or as a class. Read the
              where.                                                                         descriptions.Who can say the correct
                                                                                             answer first?
              ÿ Look! There's the girl who         was on TV.
              1 Sam's got a phone      _         speaks to him.                    1 This is the country which won the last football
                                                                                      World Cup.
              2 I know a place     _        you can get fantastic
                                                                                   2 This is a birdwhich lives at the Antarctic and
                                                                                      can't fly*
              3 I've got a friend   _        speaks three
                 languages.                                                        3 This is a country where there are volcanoes.'

              4 Where's the key     _        opens the cupboard?                   4 This is a student who is wearing something
              5 I needa quiet room           -    1can study.
                                                                                   5 This is a teacher who lives near the school.
              6 I've got three tops and I don't know
                                                                                   6 This is a shop where you can buy English
                 one to wear!
                                                                                   7 This is an animal that sleeps all winter*
                        Work with a partner. Ask and answer
                        the questions. Use the phrases inthe           O           8 This is an area where coffee grows        *
                        box to help you.
                                                                                   *  (Check your answers on page 136)
                writer / wrote plays
                man / inventedtho radio                                      56             Work in pairs.Write four more quiz
                people / come from Scotland                                  *              questions with relative clauses.
                a place / scientists work and do experiments
                machine / for doing the washing up                                           Work with another pair.Ask and answer
                shop / sells fruit and vegetables                                            your new quiz questions.
                thing / plays music
                                                                                          This ¡S an animaI which has Iots
              ÿ  Who was Marconi?                                                            o-f teeth and is dangerous.

                 Me Was the man Who invented the radio
                                                                                                                       Is it a shark?

              1 What's an MP3 player?                                                                                  -
              2 What's a greengrocer's?
              3 Who are Scots?                                                                                      I s it a crocodile?
              4 Who is William Shakespeare?                                                                        -               -
              5 What's a dishwasher?
              6 What's a laboratory?

        *4 Join the sentences with who, which or where.
              ÿ I know a beach. Nobody goes there.
                I know a beach where nobody qoes. _
              1 She's the teacher. She teaches us history.                          1  Self-evaluation Rate your progress, j

                                                                                                                  *0 '<&            *0 &
             2 That's the film. It makes my mum cry.                                    i
             3 There's a shop.We can buy chocolate there.                               3

             4 The number 7 is the bus.Itgoes to our school.
             5 Jodie is a girl. She loves animals.

                                                                                                                                 Unit 23 111
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